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Let’s craft wonder together

Craft Compelling Screenplays with Pro Writer Support

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Script Reader Pro are here to help you discover, write, and refine the iconic moments in your own work and get them out to the world.

script reader

Struggling to get your script to stand out?

Problem 1: You’ve spent so much time with your draft that you can’t see the forest for the trees?
Our feedback and guidance is clearer than the ending of Inception.

Problem 2:
Need help polishing your script to industry standards?
We’ll help you shine brighter than a JJ Abrams lens flare.

Problem 3:
Want to find a mentor with real industry experience?
Get guidance from pros who’ve been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt (and screenplay rights).

script reader

Our services.

Script support from concept to silver screen.

We’re your wordsmith wingman. The Goose to your Maverick. The Obi Wan to your Luke Skywalker. The Mr. Miyagi to your Daniel LaRusso.

Script Reader Pro is the only service that allows you to pick your perfect partner. Whether you need an extra pair of eyes, personalized mentoring, or a full rewrite, we’ve got the right fit for you.

Take your screenplay from the greatest story never sold to the greatest story ever told.

Just like your script, we offer up our service in three acts…

script readerAct 1: Setup.

Script Coverage: Our standard script coverage provides comprehensive feedback on your script’s structure, characters, dialogue, and overall marketability. Plan your work and work your plan.

Script Re-formatting: Ensure your script adheres to industry standards with our detailed proofreading and formatting services, making a strong first impression. We’ll produce an industry-standard version in the pro software of your choice!

Concept Gameplan:
Craft compelling loglines and synopses to hook your audience from the very beginning. See if your idea is ready to be turned into a script before getting too deep into writing.

script readerAct 2: Development.

One-on-One Mentorship: Personalized mentorship from seasoned screenwriters to help you shape your story and craft your characters. We’ll get you ready to submit to managers, agents, and execs.

Margin Notes: Get page-by-page, scene-by-scene feedback with our detailed margin notes, helping you enhance every element of your script.

Line Edit: In-depth dialogue and action line edits made directly on the page, line by line. Polishes and tightens up your writing style, getting the script industry-ready.

script reader Act 3: Resolution.

Full Script Rewrite: Comprehensive rewriting service to enhance the overall quality of your script — from plot to structure to character development and more — ensuring your story remains entirely in your “voice.”

Portfolio Creation: Gather all the essentials to market your scripts—logline, one-pager, treatment, and more. Get expert coaching on how to excel in meetings and effectively market your scripts, knowing where and how to present them to make a significant impact.

Final Proofread and Formatting: This is the final polish to ensure that your script is error-free and professionally formatted before sending it out.

Hear from our satisfied clients.

script doctor services

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The average rating from our clients is:

Script Reader Pro Reviews

To see more reviews visit our Facebook and Google pages.

Ready to transform your script?

Take the first step toward screenwriting success.

script reader

Learn from the best.

Meet your mentors…

Our team of experienced screenwriters is dedicated to helping you succeed. With years of industry experience, they provide practical insights and personalized feedback to help you hone your craft.

PETER BRIGGS action/adventure, drama

Pro experience: Hellboy, Alien vs. Predator, Judge Dredd, hired by Paramount, Miramax, etc. Pro services: Script reader.

Bio + genre specialities
DASH FINLEY thriller, horror

Pro experience: Worked with/hired by Doug Liman, Stanley Weiser, Jason Kliot. Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.

Bio + genre specialities
JENNA MATTISON drama, thriller

Pro experience: Confessions of a Shopaholic, The Sound, Skam for Robert Downey Jr’s co. Pro services: Script doctor.

Bio + genre specialities
SCOTT PARISIEN comedy, action

Pro experience: Incision, Foxter & Max, plus many specs in development. Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.

Bio + genre specialities
CODY SMART comedy, drama

Pro experience: Sold many scripts, extensive ghost writing, UCLA instructor. Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.

Bio + genre specialities
TENNYSON E. STEAD drama, action/adventure

Pro experience: Atlas Uprising, Igor, Making the GAMP. Written 30 scripts, sold 10. Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.

Bio + genre specialities

Got questions?

We got answers!

Q1: How do I know this service is worth the investment?
A: Our team consists of industry professionals who collectively have worked with over 2400 writers. For peace of mind, check our testimonials and reviews.

Q2: What if I need more than just script coverage?

A: We offer script doctor services such as polishing and full rewrites to suit your needs. Because sometimes your script needs more than just a Band-Aid.

Q3: How soon will I get feedback?

A: Choose from our standard 14-day turnaround or opt for a 3-day rush service. Fast, but without the shaky cam.

script reader

Or if you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.