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Feeling Stuck Trying to Improve Your Writing Craft All Alone?

Elevate your screenwriting in 48 hours on a weekend screenwriting retreat with a pro screenwriter and 8 fellow writers.

Join us for an immersive two-day Screenwriters’ Writing Retreat led by industry expert and our in-house pro writer, Scott Parisien.

Scott Parisien is an award-winning screenwriter, industry veteran and in-house script consultant at Script Reader Pro. His accolades include winning the prestigious PAGE International Screenwriting Awards, which led to him optioning every script he’s written, with some produced and many currently in development.

Are You Ready For the Challenge? Turbocharge Your Screenwriting Skills w/ Scott and 8 Fellow Writers In 48 Hours. 

So this isn’t just another workshop? Nope. It’s a two-day retreat where you’ll get to work closely with Scott and a small group of 8 fellow writers.

Over 16 hours, you’ll dive deep into your writing, focusing on the first 10 pages of your script.

Very Cool. Give Me the Details. 

WITH: Scott Parisien
MEETS: One weekend – January 25, 2025
STARTS: 8am – 5pm PST both days
FORMAT: 2 all-day online group sessions + 1 online personal consultation with Scott
PRICE: $597 (Payment Plan available)

The retreat is a mixture of education and hands-on work. It will alternate between workshop periods focusing on the first 10 pages from each participant, and teaching/training sessions.

After the retreat has been completed, each writer will also have a scheduled one-on-one, hour-long session with me to go over the writer’s entire script.

Hear Scott Talk About the Weekend Writing Retreat here

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Key Aims.

– Improving Your Craft. Each participant’s first 10 pages will be focused on in one-hour sessions, where Scott’s screen will be shared as he breaks down pages line by line. He will break down what works in those pages and what they reveal about the tone, concept, characters, and where the story is going.

– Learning Through Peer Feedback. The purpose of this lab is to further your education on writing while also learning how to receive notes and how others view your work. Understanding how to analyze the way a reader sees your work and executing on the notes that make your script better, is invaluable.

– Making Connections. Let’s face it – writing can be a lonely pursuit. Getting involved with other like-minded writers might be just the boost your creativity needs to kickstart your current project and start 2025 on the right foot.

What’s the Weekend Schedule? 

The retreat starts on Saturday December 7 till Sunday 8 and the schedule is as follows (times are in PST):

  • Saturday.
    8:00 – 9:00am: Scott’s Secrets of Screenwriting Structure
    9:00 – 10:00am: Workshopping First 10 Pages of WRITER 1
    15 min break
    10:15 – 11:15am: Concept is King and Queen – How to Create and Execute Your Concept
    11:15 – 12:15pm: Workshopping First 10 Pages of WRITER 2
    12:15 – 12:45pm: LUNCH BREAK
    12:45 – 1:45pm: Character is Everything – How to Craft Unforgettable Characters
    1:45 – 2:45pm: Workshopping First 10 Pages of WRITER 3
    15 min break
    3:00 – 4:00pm: Workshopping First 10 Pages of WRITER 4
    4:00 – 5:00pm: Cracking the Story – How to Craft the Most Exciting Narrative
  • Sunday.
    8:00 – 9:00am: Writing for Your Reader – Finding Your Voice and Effectively Using it
    9:00 – 10:00am: Workshopping First 10 Pages of WRITER 5
    15 min break
    10:15 – 11:15am: Mastering Dialogue – How to Know if Your Dialogue Works
    11:15 – 12:15pm: Workshopping First 10 Pages of WRITER 6
    12:15 – 12:45pm: LUNCH BREAK
    12:45 – 1:45pm: Rep or No Rep – Understanding Each and How They Can Help or Hinder
    1:45 – 2:45pm: Workshopping First 10 Pages of WRITER 7
    15 min break
    3:00 – 4:00pm: Workshopping First 10 Pages of WRITER 8
    4:00 – 4:45pm: How to Handle Rejection – The Long Game of Building a Writing Career
    4:45 – 5:00pm: Wrap up, Questions, Final Advice

Meet Your Instructor: Scott Parisien.

script coverageScott comes from a place of experience when it comes to different facets of the system.

From navigating the world of screenwriting contests to help launch his career, to navigating the hard choices of representation, the struggles of independent film, and building long-term relationships, Scott has gained priceless experience that he loves to share.

He has optioned almost every one of his spec screenplays, has been hired for many projects from independent to studio-level producers, and has hit that coveted position of having a screenplay actually produced.

best screenwriting contests

What to Expect On the Screenwriting Retreat. 

– 16 hours of intensive training and hands-on work. You’ll get to workshop your first 10 pages with Scott and the group, receiving both personalized and collective feedback.

– Collaborative Environment: This is all about learning together. You’ll be giving and receiving feedback in a supportive setting, which can really help you grow as a writer.

– One-on-one session with Scott to review your script. After the retreat, you’ll have an hour-long session with Scott to discuss your script from FADE IN to FADE OUT.

– Expert Insights. You’re receive invaluable insights into the art and business of screenwriting. Scott will share his secrets on everything from screenwriting structure to crafting unforgettable characters and dialogue.

– Having a blast. Above all, this screenwriting retreat is going to be fun. Be prepared to have a blast while also learning more in 48 hours than you probably have over months or even years of writing.

Only 8 writers will be accepted to ensure personalized attention and maximum impact. Don’t miss this chance to transform your screenplay!

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Read What Others Have Been Saying About Working With Scott.

Ready to Transform Your Writing Chops In 48 Hours?

This lab is designed to be immersive, intensive, informative, encouraging, and respectful.

You will walk away from the lab retreat with a stronger understanding of screenwriting, the effectiveness of their concept, and its execution.

Secure your spot for a weekend of writing growth and creativity! Spaces are limited to 8 only.

Screenwriters’ Weekend Retreat FAQs. 

Q. How much does the Screenwriters’ Weekend Retreat cost?
A. The price is $597 per writer. A Payment Plan is also available of 2x payments at $330.

Q. When does the Retreat start?

A. It’ll start on a Saturday in January 2025 at 8am PST, finish at 5pm, and repeat the next day at the same times.

Q. What exactly does weekend retreat mean?
A. You’ll be working with Scott and your fellow writers for 16 hours over 2 days. By the end of the retreat you’ll be a better writer. Simple.

Q. Can I join this screenwriting retreat from anywhere in the world?
A. Yes, and you’ll be able to communicate directly with Scott on the video call.

Q. What equipment do I need?
A. Just a computer with Zoom (video conferencing platform) installed, and a working built-in mic.

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Missed out on one of the 8 spots?

Email us here and we’ll put you on the waiting list for the next Weekend Retreat.

Enroll on our SCREENWRITERS’ WEEKEND RETREAT today and take the first step towards realizing your dreams of becoming a successful screenwriter. Your story awaits!