Can I write a guest post for Script Reader Pro?

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by Script Reader Pro
October 20, 2022 0 comments

PLEASE NOTE: We’re not interested in guest posts from freelance writers, content creators, or experts in fields other than screenwriting.

But, if you’re involved in the screenwriting industry in some capacity as a writer, filmmaker, manager, exec, studio reader, etc. then here’s the submissions process:

  1. Familiarize yourself with our style by checking out our blog.
  2. Come up with a title and pitch for an article. A brief summary of what you want to write about. As an alternative, we may ask if you’d be interested in writing something on the subject of our choosing.
  3. Don’t send in the whole article just yet. We don’t want you wasting valuable time if we don’t accept it.
  4. Send your short pitch outlining your ideas to submissions[at]scriptreaderpro[dot]com.

We’ll let you know what we think and whether we want you to send in the finished article. If we like it, we will then send you details of how to send in the finished article i.e. info on bio, formatting and embedded links etc.

We ask that all guest posts be at least 800 words and exclusive to Script Reader Pro. We may edit the content as required.

If you still need help, please contact us.