Do you offer an express rush service?

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by Script Reader Pro
October 19, 2022 0 comments

Yes, we offer a  3-Day or 7-Day Rush on all services. (Except actual Rewrites/Polishes/Ghostwrites. The Initial Assessments for these services can be rushed, though.)

This is calendar days too, so includes weekends and most holidays.

If you order a 3- or 7-Day Rush service, you will receive your work back three or seven days later, starting from the day after purchase.

(For example, if you purchase a 3-Day Rush at 4 pm on a Monday, Day #1 of the countdown will start on Tuesday as the first full day. So you can expect your notes back no later than midnight Thursday.)

Rush orders received after 12 pm PST will be processed the following morning and the turnaround countdown will start from that day.

(For example, if you purchase a 3-Day Rush at 6 pm on a Monday, it’ll count as a Tuesday purchase and so Day #1 will be Wednesday and you’ll receive your notes back no later than midnight Friday.)

(All times are Pacific Standard Time.)

If you still need help, please contact us.