I’d like you guys to help me with my script. How do I get started?

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by Script Reader Pro
October 17, 2022 0 comments

Great, glad you found us! Whether you have a feature screenplay, TV pilot, synopsis/treatment or even just a logline, we can help you out.

You can find an overview of all our services on our script coverage services page.

How much help do you need? The service you pick will depend largely on how intensive you want your chosen pro’s involvement with your work to be. This could range from written feedback, to a one-hour call, to mentoring you once a week, to completely rewriting your script for you.

Once you’ve decided on a service, you’ll be given the option to pick a pro screenwriter during checkout.

Pro availability: Most of our pros are available for most services, but there are exceptions. Jenna Mattison only does rewrite/polish/ghostwriting assignments for example, but you’ll know if they’re available if their photo is on the service page.

Also be sure to check out our Meet the Team page where we update our pros’ general availability.

If you still need help, please contact us.