What format should I send my work in?

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by Script Reader Pro
October 19, 2022 0 comments

It depends on the service. Here are the file formats you should submit depending on what you’d like to purchase:

Coverage/Consultancy Call services: Please send your work in as a PDF file.

Line Edit/Margin Notes/Proofread/Initial Assessment/Rewrite/Polish services: Please submit your work as an EDITABLE format written using a professional screenwriting software, such as Final Draft, Movie Magic or Fade In.

We don’t accept scripts written in MS Word, or log into accounts in the cloud, such as Celtx or WriterDuet. If needed, however, you may submit as a .txt or .rtf file and we’ll convert to a pro screenwriting software to complete the work and send back to you as .txt or .rtf file and in a variety of formats.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.