Origin Story

"It's how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done."
-- Rocky Balboa
Based on 400+ customer reviews

Our Mission

Crafting Wonder
Since 2012

At Script Reader Pro, we believe writers don’t just write words; we craft wonder. As the film critic Roger Ebert once said, 

"Movies are the most powerful empathy machine in all the arts."

This quote, while about movies, applies to all forms of storytelling: the big screen, the small screen, and the stage. Writers put words on the page with the faith that these words will transform into a grand vision, experienced by audiences everywhere. We strive to inspire empathy and evoke a spectrum of emotions—joy, laughter, surprise, intrigue, longing, and most importantly, inspiration.

We want to work with you to craft your words into wonder that shapes the world.

We've empowered over 2,400 writers to craft the characters and shape the stories that bring


to the


Our Story

From Frustration to Inspiration

As a team of seasoned professionals, we've empowered over 2,400 writers to craft the characters and shape the stories that bring wonder to the world.

Founded in 2012 by Al Bloom, we’ve made it our mission to help talented writers like you shape and sell their scripts. As Al says of his own early scriptwriting experiences:
“As a writer looking for expert assistance and quality coverage, I was continually disappointed with the quality of notes I received.

All too often, feedback was vague, cliche-ridden, and not much help at all. I didn't know who’d read the script, their genre specialism, or even how much success they had seen in their own work.

I knew I needed more and that writers deserved better.
In response, over the years, we’ve developed a set of bespoke services designed to provide writers with the specific, constructive feedback they need to complete their work and be satisfied with the results.

Our team

Your Screenplay Sidekicks

Choose the right partner for your project.

Script Reader Pro is the only service that allows you to pick your perfect partner.

Whether you need an extra pair of eyes, mentoring, or a complete rewrite, we've got the right fit for you. Our team consists of experienced screenwriters who specialize in various genres. They deliver the valuable feedback you need to help get you to the final draft!

Peter Briggs

Action, Adventure, Drama
Pro experience: Hellboy, Alien vs. Predator, Judge Dredd, hired by Paramount, Miramax, etc. 

Pro services: Script reader.

Meet Peter

Dash Finley

Thriller, Horror
Pro experience: Worked with/hired by Doug Liman, Stanley Weiser, Jason Kliot. 

Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.
Meet Dash

Jenna Mattison

Drama, Thriller
Pro experience: Confessions of a Shopaholic, The Sound, Skam for Robert Downey Jr’s co. 

Pro services: Script doctor.

Meet Jenna

Scott Parisien

Comedy, Action
Pro experience: Incision, Foxter & Max, plus many specs in development. 

Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.
Meet Scott

Cody Smart

Comedy, Drama
Pro experience: Sold many scripts, extensive ghost writing, UCLA instructor. 

Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.
Meet Cody

Tennyson E. Stead

Drama, Action, Adventure
Pro experience: Atlas Uprising, Igor, Making the GAMP. Written 30 scripts, sold 10. 

Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.
Meet Tennyson

Just like your script, we offer up our service in three acts.

ACT 1: 


Lay the foundation for your screenplay with our Script Coverage, Re-formatting, and innovative Concept Game Plan services. Receive detailed feedback, industry-standard formatting, and concept guidance from the get-go.

ACT 2: 


Refine your screenplay with our more detailed Mentorship, Margin Notes, and Line Edit services. Receive personalized guidance, line-by-line commentary, and comprehensive edits to enhance your script and develop your writing style.

ACT 3: 


Bring your screenplay to market with our Full Script Rewrite, Portfolio Creation, and Final Proofread and Formatting services. Improve your script’s overall quality, gain essential pitch and marketing insight, and ensure a professional, error-free presentation.
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