Meet the Team

"You had me at hello"
Jerry Maguire

Your Screenplay Sidekicks.

Meet your Screenplay Sidekicks and Wonder-Crafting Wordsmiths.  

Since 2012, Script Reader Pro has assembled a dream team of pro screenwriters, all standing by to help you sharpen up your script and make it market-ready.

Whether you require additional support, guidance, or a complete overhaul, we have the perfect partner for you. Our team includes specialists in all genres who can provide valuable feedback to help you reach the final draft.

Pick your pro to find out more about them:

Peter Briggs

Genre specialities: 
Action/Adventure, Drama
Pro experience: Hellboy, Alien vs. Predator, Judge Dredd, hired by Paramount, Miramax, etc. 

Pro services: Script reader.

Meet Peter

Dash Finley

Genre specialities:
Thriller, Horror
Pro experience: Worked with/hired by Doug Liman, Stanley Weiser, Jason Kliot. 

Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.
Meet Dash

Jenna Mattison

Genre specialities:
Drama, Thriller
Pro experience: Confessions of a Shopaholic, The Sound, Skam for Robert Downey Jr’s co. 

Pro services: Script doctor.

Meet Jenna

Scott Parisien

Genre specialities:
Comedy, Action
Pro experience: Incision, Foxter & Max, plus many specs in development. 

Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.

Meet Scott

Cody Smart

Genre specialities: 
Comedy, Drama
Pro experience: Sold many scripts, extensive ghost writing, UCLA instructor. 

Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.

Meet Cody

Tennyson E. Stead

Genre specialities:
Drama, Action/Adventure
Pro experience: Atlas Uprising, Igor, Making the GAMP. Written 30 scripts, sold 10. 

Pro services: Script doctor, script reader, mentor.

Meet Tennyson

We help talented writers craft the characters and shape the stories that bring


to the


Our team

Your Screenplay Sidekicks.

Choose the right partner for your project.

Script Reader Pro is the only service that allows you to pick your perfect partner.

Whether you need an extra pair of eyes, mentoring, or a complete rewrite, we've got the right fit for you. Our team consists of experienced screenwriters who specialize in various genres. They deliver the valuable feedback you need to help get you to the final draft!
Genre Expertise
Drama, Action, Adventure
Most important fact of all: 
I may have once stolen a cryogenic chamber.

Tennyson E. Stead

Pro Experience

While best known as the writer behind the tentpole dark future gladiator film Atlas Uprising, now in development at Emagine Content, Tennyson has also ghostwritten many prestige dramas and was on the development team for the animated family release Igor.
As of the writing of this bio, his most recent sale was of a scalding industry satire called Making the GAMP to director Michael Wohl. Out of the more than thirty screenplays he’s written, he’s sold or optioned ten.
Pro services: Script coverage services, script rewrite services, mentorships.
Main-genre specialties: Drama, Comedy, Action/Adventure.
Sub-genre specialties: Sci-Fi, Dramedy, Family, Sports, Martial Arts
Genre Expertise
Dramedy, Comedy, Drama
Most important fact of all: 
Cody spends too much time explaining to her adorable daughter why she doesn’t consider orange a color. (If you’re a true fan of Legally Blonde, you’ll get it!)

Cody Smart

Pro Experience

Cody Smart is a writer, script doctor, and development exec at Sony. She has sold several scripts, ghostwritten, and written multiple scripts for hire, including book-to-script adaptations.

She is also proud to be a UCLA Extension instructor for the prestigious Writers’ Program, where she teaches Script Doctoring, Get Your Script Contest Ready, Advanced Show Bible and Pitch Deck Workshop, and Marketing Your Script. She’s also a regular contributor for Script University, where she’s taught multiple webinars, such as Writing Memorable Characters and Sell Your TV Pilot.
Pro services: Script coverage services, script rewrite services, mentorships.
Main-genre specialties: Drama, Comedy, Dramedy
Sub-genre specialties: Coming-of-age, Family, Faith, Romance, all TV
Genre Expertise
Action/Adventure, Comedy, Thriller
Most important fact of all: 
Scott’s first foray into screenwriting came in the seventh grade when he crafted a horribly inappropriate Police Academy screenplay for an English class assignment.

Scott Parisien

Pro Experience

Scott has experience with different facets of the system. From navigating the world of screenwriting contests to help launch his career to navigating the hard choices of representation, the struggles of independent film, and building long-term relationships, Scott has gained priceless experience that he loves to share. He has optioned almost every one of his spec screenplays, has been hired for many projects from independent to studio-level producers, and has hit that coveted position of having a screenplay actually produced.

Scott’s script Incision, is currently in development with a director and a well-known star attached. He also has a second horror spec with director attachments and producing partners in development, as well as a pilot, historical drama feature, and a fantasy adventure feature with producers attached. His first produced feature, Foxter & Max, premiered in September 2019 to high audience reviews and a #2 standing in the territory’s box office for its opening weekend.
Pro services: Script coverage services, script rewrite services, mentorships.
Main-genre specialties: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Thriller.
Sub-genre specialties: Dramedy, Romance, Western, Family, Religion
Genre Expertise
Drama, Thriller, Horror
Most important fact of all: 
Jenna moved to Chicago at the age of seven and currently lives in the hills of Los Angeles, where she’s been known to rescue baby squirrels.

Jenna Mattison

Pro Experience

Originally from Bombay, India, Jenna is a TV developer, screenwriter, and novelist. On the TV side, she’s currently serving as EP/Writer, developing a James Patterson international bestseller into a series. She was brought onto Mike Mignola’s (creator of Hellboy) anthology series as CoEp/Writer. She also developed and wrote the pilot Skam for Team Downey (Robert Downey Jr.’s company) and several other pilots for Lionsgate TV, Hoodlum at ABC Studios, etc.

Recently, on the feature side, she was commissioned in 2021 to write the script for bestselling author Sophié Kinsella’s (Confessions Of A Shopaholic) latest film adaptation, Remember Me? And was hired to adapt a second Kinsella bestseller, I’ve Got Your Number, in 2022. In 2023, she adapted an upcoming YA fantasy novel called The Transcendents and was commissioned in 2024 to adapt the New York Times bestselling memoir Dying To Be Me. Her feature script, Haunted, sold in 2024 to be shot in Thailand later this year. The Sound, an elevated psychological thriller film that she wrote, directed, and produced, was theatrically released through MGM’s Orion & Samuel Goldwyn. Her previous indie films are available through Sony, Samuel Goldwyn, Netflix, Amazon, Lionsgate, etc. She was honored by the Academy Of Motion Pictures, which inducted two of her produced feature scripts into their Core Collection Library.

Pro services: Script rewrite services / currently email consults only, no calls or rushes.)
Main-genre specialties: Drama, Thriller, Horror
Sub-genre specialties: Romance, Fantasy, Dramedy, Historical, Religion
Genre Expertise
Thriller, Horror, Drama
Most important fact of all: 
Dash is the proud owner of two guinea pigs, Otis and Randy.

Dash Finley

Pro Experience

Dash Finley is a screenwriter and film journalist based in Los Angeles. He has worked as a development assistant to several high-powered executives and creatives and has written many screenplays, working under filmmakers such as Doug Liman (The Bourne Identity), Stanley Weiser (Wall Street), and Bruno Barreto (Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands). Dash has also been hired for feature work by Norris Chumley (a former producer for Oprah) and Jason Kliot (the producer of Coffee and Cigarettes).
Pro services: Script coverage services, script rewrite services, mentorships.
Main-genre specialties: Drama, Thriller, Horror
Sub-genre specialties: Sci-Fi, Western, War, Historical, Family
Genre Expertise
Drama, Action/Adventure, Sci-Fi
Most important fact of all: 
Peter has an aversion to glowing rocks and likes pink very much, Lois.

Peter Briggs

Pro Experience

Peter is perhaps best known for co-writing Hellboy with Guillermo Del Toro. In 26 years, he’s been employed by 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Universal, Sony/Columbia, Miramax, and many more, writing on such projects as Alien vs. Predator, Judge Dredd, and War Of The Worlds.
Pro services: Script coverage services only (Longer turnaround: 5 weeks approx).
Main-genre specialties: Drama, Thriller, Horror
Sub-genre specialties: All

Just like your script, we offer up our service in three acts.

ACT 1: 


Lay the foundation for your screenplay with our Script Coverage, Re-formatting, and innovative Concept Game Plan services. Receive detailed feedback, industry-standard formatting, and concept guidance from the get-go.

ACT 2: 


Refine your screenplay with our more detailed Mentorship, Margin Notes, and Line Edit services. Receive personalized guidance, line-by-line commentary, and comprehensive edits to enhance your script and develop your writing style.

ACT 3: 


Bring your screenplay to market with our Full Script Rewrite, Portfolio Creation, and Final Proofread and Formatting services. Improve your script’s overall quality, gain essential pitch and marketing insight, and ensure a professional, error-free presentation.
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