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Contact Script Reader Pro: Expert Screenplay Assistance

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Got questions?

Answers to our most popular questions are below.

If you can’t find it there, please fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Our fastest response time is 9am-5pm PST, Mon-Fri.

If your question is related to a current or old order, please be sure to include the title of your script and service ordered.

Channing Estell – Executive assistant at Script Reader Pro.

Our most popular questions are answered below. 

Please check ’em out before emailing us, there’s a good chance your answer will be in there 🙂

Q1. I’m a tad confused. Where do I start?

Services. We have three main services:

  • Notes/editing. We can give you written feedback and on-the-page edits, such as proofreading, margin notes
  • Rewrite. We can rewrite your script for you
  • Mentorship. We can mentor you via 1-hour video calls

Details of all three can be found on our Services page. If you’d like something not listed you can contact us via the form below.

Readers. We have a small team of pro screenwriters who perform these services. You can read their bios, check their availability and see their genre expertise on our About page.

After purchasing you’ll be able to choose your reader. If they’re not listed, it means they’re either currently unavailable or don’t perform that particular service.

Please note: Not all readers do all services. On the About page, it lists which readers are available for which services.

Q2. What’s the turnaround time on your services?

We have two types of turnaround time available:

1. Standard 14 days (approximate). 
This means you will receive your work back roughly within two weeks. We cannot guarantee a return of your work exactly on Day 14—it could be a day or two later, so hang tight!

2. Rush. If you order a 3- or 7-Day Rush service, you will receive your work back three or seven days later, starting from the day after purchase.

This includes calendar days, so includes weekends and most holidays.

(For example, if you purchase a 3-Day Rush at 4 pm on a Monday, Day #1 of the countdown will start on Tuesday as the first full day. So you can expect your notes back no later than midnight Thursday.


Rush orders received after 12 pm PST will be processed the following morning and the turnaround countdown will start from that day.

(For example, if you purchase a 3-Day Rush at 6 pm on a Monday, it’ll count as a Tuesday purchase and so Day #1 will be Wednesday and you’ll receive your notes back no later than midnight Friday.


(All times are Pacific Standard Time.)

Q3. Do you have page count limits?

Yes, details below: (All extra pages can be added to your order during checkout.)

Feature script = 125 pages (not including the title page). Anything over is charged at $2 per page for all coverage services and $4 per page for editing services.

TV script = 65 pages (not including the title page). Anything over is charged at $2 per page for all coverage services and $4 per page for editing services.

Q4. What format can I submit my script in?

Any, as long as it was written using a professional screenwriting program, such as Final Draft, Movie Magic, Fade In, etc. Or, a cloud-based program, such as Celtx or WriterDuet.

However, this means that we don’t accept scripts written in Word, or any other non-screenwriting software. (This is because they almost always have super wonky formatting, look unprofessional and it’s hard to calculate a script’s true length.)

If you have a script written in Microsoft Word or similar, you can reformat the script into screenwriting software first before sending it to us.

Here are some paid and free options:

Best Screenwriting Software Compared [PAID]

Best Free Screenwriting Software [100% FREE w/ usability limits in some cases]

Alternatively, if you don’t have the know-how or time, you could purchase our Script Reformat Service which would completely reformat your script to industry standard, using the screenwriting software of your choice.

Send us the script (or at least the first 5 pages), and we’ll get back to you with a quote.

Q5. I’m worried about copyright and/or Can you sign my NDA?

Every script that’s sent to us remains 100 percent the author’s copyright. We will under no circumstances release, or let your script be viewed, by any third party without your prior consent.

We also never accept royalties. We’re just here to help you make it as a screenwriter and all we ask is that you invite us to the premiere. 🙂

With that in mind, we don’t sign writers’ own individual NDAs.

However, we do recommend all screenwriters register their screenplays at the US copyright office and/or WGA West before submitting into the industry, just to be on the safe side. Here’s a blog post on the subject you may find useful: How to Copyright a Script the Smart Way and Avoid These 5 Legal Pitfalls.

You can find some of our latest Facebook reviews for our mentorships and script coverage, script rewrite services below.

The average rating from our clients is:

Script Reader Pro Reviews

To see more reviews visit our Facebook and Google pages.



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Forget vague script coverage that tells you to “ramp up the stakes in Act 2” but doesn’t tell you how. Ours is actionable, full of fresh ideas and super intensive.


This is your chance to let a professional screenwriter get your script industry-ready and kick-start your career.


Pair up with one of our pro writers for a one-on-one screenwriting mentorship. Six-week or 12-week options available.