While a fantastic screenplay is not going to be rejected on the basis of a few typos or incorrect formatting, it's best to avoid giving a reader even the slightest whiff of unprofessionalism. We'll go through your screenplay, line-by-line, flagging up any grammatical and spelling typos and errors, making sure its presentation is up to industry standard.

We'll also make sure your script is professionally formatted, as Final Draft or Movie Magic are not going to tell you whether those phone calls or montages are as easy to read as they could be.

You can send in a screenplay up to 125 pages in length. (For scripts over 125 pages, please contact us first letting us know your page count). And if you want a Short Film, TV script, or Treatment proofread please contact us quoting their page count.

Turnaround time is up to 10 days, including weekends, but you'll probably receive your fully proofed script back within 5 days. Check out a Proofread + Formatting Sample here.

Buy Now!

Additional option to choose in the dropdown menu above the Add To Cart button:

Rush Service
In a hurry? No worries, we can get your script notes back to you within 1 - 2 days. Please email us at submissions[at]scriptreaderpro[dot]com before ordering to confirm a timescale.

Step-by-step instructions on how to proceed: 

1. Click the “Add to Cart” button, after choosing an additional service such as Rush, 2 Readers or 1 Hour Skype Call if required. You'll then be transferred to a secure payment gateway where you can complete the purchase via credit card, debit card or PayPal.

2. Attach your screenplay in an editable format (such as Final Draft, Movie Magic or Word) to an email and send it over to us at submissions[at]scriptreaderpro[dot]com, letting us know if you would like a particular genre specialist to do the script analysis.

3. Sit back and relax —  you'll receive an email letting you know we’ve successfully received your screenplay and have assigned it to a script consultant. You can expect to receive your script coverage report within ten days, (typically around five to seven). After receiving your report, feel free to email us any questions you like. [ttml name="testimonial-page-fem"]

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