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Write Compelling Screenplay Dialogue Like the Pros

Mastering Screenplay Dialogue: Pro Tips and Techniques

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Are you struggling to learn how to write dialogue that will elevate your script above the rest?

You’ve been writing for years, read a million screenwriting books, taken courses on how to write dialogue and yet still find writing dialogue that ROCKS the single hardest aspect of screenwriting to get to grips with.

Don’t worry, we know how you feel…

Have you spent months or years…

Being told by readers that your screenplay’s dialogue is too “on-the-nose,” “overwritten” or “lacking emotion.” And if that weren’t bad enough, apparently “every character sounds the same”?

Getting tired of reading the same old cliched advice about how to write dialogue: “add subtext,” “show don’t tell” and “make your dialogue pop off the page”?

Receiving great feedback or grades on your script’s plot or structure, but poor ones on its characters and their dialogue?

Knowing that the usual advice on how to write dialogue makes sense intellectually, but getting frustrated because actually implementing it in your script is another matter?

The three biggest problems aspiring writers face when it comes to learning how to write dialogue: 

1. Most aspiring screenwriters think writing script dialogue means letting their characters talk… and talk… and talk… While characters in movies appear to do an awful lot of talking, they do much less than in the average spec screenplay. A big part of learning how to write dialogue is knowing how to shut them up.

2. Most aspiring screenwriters gain their knowledge on how to write dialogue passively. That is by reading blogs and books and listening to lectures and recorded seminars, etc. The problem here is that when it comes to actually writing dialogue in a script, it’s hard to apply the information learned as it’s all theoretical.

3. Most aspiring screenwriters don’t realize screenplay dialogue is best learned through doing rather than just reading or listening. This means utilizing theory hacks and practical exercises used by professional screenwriters in order to make sure each characters’ dialogue has a purpose other than just shooting the breeze.

This is where our book Master Screenplay Dialogue: The Ultimate Practical Guide On How To Write Dialogue Like the Pros comes into play. It solves these and many other issues that aspiring screenwriters face while learning how to write dialogue that will make their work stand out from the pack.

Master Screenplay Dialogue: Finally learn how to write dialogue that “pops off the page.”

This is the first book on writing dialogue of its kind: full of theory hacks, practical exercises and resources that will get your script’s dialogue up where it needs to be.

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Theory hacks. This book contains a set of three theory hacks that dispel many of the myths when it comes to how to write dialogue and make it that much easier to craft conversations that sound authentic and engaging.

Practical exercises. Inside are three super hands-on, rarely discussed practical exercises used by professional screenwriters. Add these to your writing routine and watch your dialogue writing improve 100 percent.

Resources Toolkit. Also included is a set of resources and worksheets that complement the previous two sections, plus suggested further reading.

Here’s why we wrote this book on how to write dialogue.

Check out our Meet the Team page for more info but, in a nutshell, after much trial and (even more) error, we’ve “made it” as pro screenwriters and now we’re here to help you do the same. And that means helping you learn how to write script dialogue the right way!


Our core mission is to take the mystery out of screenwriting theory and the waffle out of screenwriting advice.

We value things like practical exercises and clear, no BS language to help aspiring writers achieve their dream of turning pro and live the life they’re meant to live.

Now you can learn how to write dialogue using three simple steps.

As writers who’ve gone from aspiring to professional, we know how hard learning how to write dialogue can be. A screenplay in which the reader can’t fully buy into what the characters are saying, just won’t work.

Our book Master Screenplay Dialogue, however, is a three-step plan to dialogue mastery.

1. Identify the reasons why your dialogue isn’t working. One of the biggest problems aspiring screenwriters face is being able to recognize poorly written dialogue in their own work. It can be hard to step back and look at the dialogue objectively when you’re deep in the story, and so in the book, we show you some practical methods you can use to do just that.

2. Eliminate the main problems holding your dialogue back. We break down the three most common mistakes aspiring screenwriters make when it comes to writing dialogue: 1. It’s too on-the-nose, 2. There’s too much of it, 3. All the characters sound the same and show you how to identify and combat each one.

3. Improve your dialogue with a new weekly writing practice. Not only will the theory hacks and practical exercises help you identify and eliminate bad dialogue, they’ll also provide a solid game plan on how to write interesting, effective dialogue going forward. Implement these exercises into your weekly writing routine and learn how to write dialogue like the pros.

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Overcome the underlying issues that are holding back your script dialogue. 

Here’s exactly what you’ll get out of the book, Master Screenplay Dialogue: The Ultimate Practical Guide on How to Write Dialogue Like the Pros:

How to give each one of your characters a “voice” that makes them stand out as individuals through what they say and how they say it

How to write dialogue by using examples from poorly written scripts to improve your own

How to write visually and use the dialogue to support a scene rather than drive it

Conversely, how to craft conversations full of subtext and layers that subtly reveal character and/or drive the scene and plot

How to know what dialogue to leave in and what to cut

How to recognize poorly written screenplay dialogue within your own script before you send it anywhere important

How to format screenplay dialogue using our definitive, no-nonsense guide

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Is it worth $29 to you to turbocharge your screenplay’s dialogue?

If you want to start crafting screenplay dialogue that works FOR your screenplay rather than against, this book will show you how. For just twenty-nine bucks…

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The book comes in a variety of files (.pdf .mobi and .epub) for use on desktops, laptops, iPads, Kindles and other mobile devices. Learn how to write dialogue like a pro anywhere, anytime.

Featuring our 100 percent Guarantee.

We created this book because we believe that learning how to write dialogue shouldn’t be as mysterious and hard as it can appear. This is your passion and your future and so it’s important to learn from writers who’ve gone before you, use their expertise and follow in their footsteps in order to get where you want to be.

Simply put, we believe in what we created with Master Screenplay Dialogue. We know the material in this book works because we’ve used it to skyrocket our own screenwriting careers and go from aspiring to pro writers.

BUT… if you learn the techniques in the book and find for any reason they don’t improve your screenplay dialogue, we’ll give you 100% of your money back within 30 DAYS of purchase. You deserve to try this stuff without taking the risk, so just email us and we’ll make sure you get a FULL REFUND within 30 days. No questions asked.

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Answers to some FAQs.

Q1. Will this book elevate my dialogue overnight? Well, it probably won’t elevate your screenplay dialogue to a level found in Casablanca overnight. What it will do, however, is give you the tools necessary to do so through a series of theory hacks and practical exercises.

Q2. Just what are these “practical exercises” that pro writers use? You’ll have to buy the book to find out, but they are a vital part of the process in learning how to write dialogue. We’re big advocates at Script Reader Pro of learning by doing rather than just reading various theories.

Q3. But aren’t the “theory hacks” just theories? Yes, but they’re also hacks! Rather than the dry, slightly waffling theories you’ll find in books such as Story by Robert McKee, we break down the concept of how to write dialogue into easily digestible chunks and show you how to reframe your approach in a clear and practical way.

Q4. Can I get a refund if I don’t like the book? Absolutely. If you feel you already know everything we have to say, or it isn’t for you, we’ll give you a no-questions-asked full refund within 30 days of purchase.

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Tired of reading the same old tired advice on how to write dialogue?

Download our book and you’ll discover the affordable, no BS way to skyrocket your script’s dialogue in half the time.

You’ll be taken to a 100 percent secure direct download area where you can pay quickly and easily by either Credit Card or PayPal and get the book on your computer or phone in under a minute.

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Thanks for reading! 

If you have a query not answered above, we have a dedicated knowledge base where you’ll find the answers to even more questions. We hope to work with you soon.