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Want To Know What's Really Going On Under Three Act Screenplay Structure?

This screenwriting book moves past generic screenplay analysis of structure, i.e. three big, boring acts, to discover the seven  sequences underpinning them.

"Master Screenplay Sequences" is one of only two screenwriting books available dedicated to sequences, and will revolutionize your understanding of structure by showing you how to break scripts down into manageable ten to fifteen minute chunks, or "mini-movies."

Unlike Most Screenwriting Books, Ours Includes...

1. A complete analysis of sequences missing from most screenwriting books and courses enabling you to step up to the level of pro regarding structure.

We fully explain how sequences work by breaking them down to show their inner workings -- how they should be viewed as “mini movies” with their own 3 act structure and how they fit within the overall screenplay.

2. Breakdowns of 5 popular films demonstrating how sequences are applied by professional screenwriters in their screenplays.

We take a look at one movie in each of the major genres, showing how sequences are applied across all types of films, from Comedies to Horrors.


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Who Should Buy This Screenplay Book?

Any screenwriter who wants to...

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And Revolutionize Your Understanding Of Screenwriting Structure 

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The Book Breaks Down 5 Popular Movies Into Sequences

So you can see exactly how they're constructed.

Action/Adventure: This is probably the most popular genre in Hollywood today. In our first analysis, we break the classic Raiders of the Lost Ark into sequences. See how the writer creates that "roller-coaster" effect by utilizing sequences based around the Ark changing hands.

Drama: For this section we demonstrate how even languid, "free-floating," "arty" movies such as The Virgin Suicides, utilize sequences. If you're writing a dialogue heavy Drama this is essential reading.

Comedy: The hit movie Bridesmaids is under the microscope in our Comedy section. See how many of the sequences perfectly define the concept of "mini-movie" with each one setting up a clear goal for Annie in a different location -- the dress fitting, the Vegas trip, etc.

Thriller: In this section we take a look at the stylish Michael Mann movie Collateral -- a great example of the classic Thriller technique of placing an ordinary guy in extraordinary circumstances and turning him into a hero. At the end of Sequence F, Max is safe from Vincent; but he must then risk his life to save Annie.

Horror: When's it OK to have 25 minutes of people having fun and not much happening? In a Horror, that's when, as long as it's followed by absolute carnage as in this Australian chiller, Wolf Creek. Learn how sequences are used to great effect in Horror to pick off victims one by one...

screenwriting books

We've Helped 100's Of Screenwriters Master Structure...

And now we've put all our years of knowledge into this book. It's one of only two books on screenwriting available that focus solely on sequences.

The Truth Is This: If you want to make it as a screenwriter, a total knowledge of sequences and how they underpin 3 act structure is essential. That's why we decided to write this book, as we felt this crucial information is really absent from most books on screenwriting and courses.

It's time to break free from the generic framework of 3 acts and only 5 major plot points! Learn from the breakdowns of 5 great films — one from each major genre — the true inner workings of screenplay structure and apply it to your own scripts.

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If, in the highly unlikely event, you're not completely 100% satisfied with this screenplay book on sequences; if you're not totally hyped to get cracking on the next draft, if you're even the slightest bit underwhelmed; email us within the first 30 days of purchase and we'll issue you with a full refund, no questions asked, no eyebrows raised. 

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