What’s the difference between Classic Coverage and Deluxe Coverage?

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by Script Reader Pro
October 18, 2022 0 comments

For FEATURE AND TV COVERAGE, here are the differences:

Depth of feedback

Classic Coverage includes at least4+ pages of notes, tackling the most important areas that need attention. This could be on characters, dialogue, stakes, structure, etc.
Deluxe Coverage includes at least 12+ pages of notes, tackling the above but broken down into individual sections and explored in more detail


  • Classic Coverage does not include a synopsis
  • Deluxe Coverage does include a synopsis, written by your pro that breaks down the story

Logline, Ratings Grid and Script Recommendation

  • Both services include a Logline, Ratings Grid and overall Script Recommendation (“Development Needed” “Consider” and “Recommend”) at the end of the report

3 Follow-up questions

Classic Coverage includes the option to purchase 3 follow-up questions for $20
Deluxe Coverage includes the option to ask 3 follow-up questions for free

You can find out more about each and download coverage samples by visiting these pages:

Feature Script Coverage

TV Script Coverage

For SHORT FILM and SYNOPSIS COVERAGE, here are the differences:

Depth of feedback 

Classic Coverage includes at least3+ pages of notes, tackling the most important areas that need attention. This could be on characters, stakes, structure, etc.
Deluxe Coverage includes at least 6+ pages of notes, tackling the above but explored in more detail


  • Classic Short Film Coverage does not include a synopsis
  • Deluxe Short Film Coverage does include a synopsis, written by your pro that breaks down the story

Logline, Ratings Grid and Script Recommendation

  • All of these services include a Logline only, not a Ratings Grid or Script Recommendation

3 Follow-up questions

Classic Coverage includes the option to purchase 3 follow-up questions for $20
Deluxe Coverage includes the option to ask 3 follow-up questions for free

You can find out more about each and download coverage samples by visiting these pages:

Short Film Coverage

Synopsis Coverage

If you still need help, please contact us.