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OUR WRITER SHOWCASE PROMOTEs the brightest new talents who’ve passed through our doors.  

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Here are just some of the success stories we’re actively promoting to our newsletter and social media channels. 

If you’ve achieved some level of success thanks to our services, you could gain even more exposure by being featured on this page too.

Script reader pro

Script reader pro

Had industry success like the writers above after using our services? 

We’d love to brag about you too.
Tell us your success story and we could…

• Feature you on this Writer Showcase page. Your name, script info and success story will join the writers on this page, exposing you to the many industry folks who follow this website.

• Promote you on our newsletter that goes out to thousands of subscribers and is tracked by many managers, producers and agents.

• Spread your success story on social media. We’ll tweet and post about you and your script to our huge Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn audiences.

If you’d like to get involved, fill out this quick form to get started.