Should You Ever Answer a "Screenplays Wanted" Ad?
Type "screenwriter needed" or "screenplays wanted" into an internet search engine and you’ll find yourself swamped in ads such as these:
Screenwriter wanted to write Indie Drama script. Fantastic and original treatment already in place, just need you to turn into a full feature draft. No pay upfront, but we have interest from several top producers waiting to see the script.
Or how about this?
Comedy Scripts Wanted! Have you got a funny laugh out loud script in the style of the Farrelly Brothers? Then we want to read it! Send to FunnyHaha Productions and if we like it we’ll make it. No payment for script, but professional actors and funding in place.
Our recommendation?
Avoid Screenplays Wanted Ads Like These
We find it amazing how people can post these kinds of ads, basically asking writers to spend hours and hours writing a screenplay for nothing.
Often there’s the promise of cash once the thing not only gets made but presumably achieves some kind of success. Don’t get taken in by the talk of “Producers waiting,” “We’re a top production company,” or “You’ll receive payment once it’s completed.”
This is just a ruse to try and get something from you for nothing. All of your time and effort should be focused on writing the best script that you can.
Then, you should focus on learning how to sell a screenplay and trying to get a screenwriting manager.
The bottom line is this: Never write a word for anyone without first getting paid. There may be some "scripts wanted" ads that actually lead to paid work, but they are very few and far between.
On the whole, anyone who says they want you to write a script for free is to be avoided. No matter who they are. Your screenplay may be wanted, but don’t spend hours writing it only to give it away for nothing. It’s worth so much more than that.
Have you ever been burned by a "screenplays wanted" ad? What happened? Do you agree with our prognosis? Let us know in the comments section below.

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