How to Sell a Screenplay: 6 Proven Strategies for First-Time Sales
So, you’ve finally finished a script you’re proud of. Congrats. But are you now trying to figure out how to sell a screenplay? In this post, we’re going to take a look at the very best six options to help you do just that.
We’re not saying that selling scripts is “easy.” There are no guarantees attached to any of the steps in this post. But if you apply yourself rigorously to each of them (for as long as it takes) selling a movie script should become that much easier.
The ONE THING you need before learning how to sell a script in Hollywood.
To get the maximum benefit out of this post, remember that you should first be writing screenplays that sell. Once you know how, get together a portfolio including at least two stellar screenplays. Complete with synopsis and query letters, ready to go.
You can read more about how to get together a portfolio in our post on How to Become a Screenwriter: A Pro’s Guide to Unlocking Your Career.
Once you have a portfolio together that’s received a glowing review from a friend in the industry, or a “Recommend” grade from a script coverage service, the real work when of selling scripts begins…
So without further ado, here are the six best options regarding how to sell a movie script that you should know about.
How to sell a screenplay strategy #1: Try to get a manager not an agent.
Agents have become something of an enigma because of the Catch-22 situation that your script won’t be read unless you have an agent, but you can’t get an agent until you sell a screenplay.
And somehow getting an agent has become a kind of holy grail among aspiring screenwriters. But this approach is all wrong. In reality, agents only exist so that a deal can be made and processed between you the screenwriter, and a producer, production company or studio.
An agent’s job is to make deals happen. And most of the time, this is only going to happen when a screenplay is seen as commercially strong and marketable. Since screenplay agents only get 10 percent of whatever deals they put in place, they will only make any money if the deal is big enough.
Screenwriting agents only make enough money to have a career on mid to high level deals. Doing a deal on a script sale of $100,000 is lucrative as long as they do a lot of them. And most will only represent screenplays and writers if they find a script they can easily sell.
Stop chasing agents, start chasing managers.
Screenwriting managers, however, are a different entity altogether. They will—the good ones, that is—help you become a better writer. They’ll help develop your scripts, offer feedback, work with you, build your network, name drop you around town, etc.
Most managers will even help you get an agent—but only, of course, if they think the agent will know how to sell your screenplay.
If you want to break into Hollywood, then seeking out screenwriting agents may be a necessary step in doing so. But only later on. Rather than spending all your energy trying to find an agent who you think can “launch your career,” focus on getting a literary manager instead.
We have put together a list of the top 130+ screenwriting managers currently working in Hollywood. You can read about and find the list here: Screenwriting Managers List of the Top 130 Managment Companies.
How to sell a script strategy #2: Seek out producers and execs.
Another smart option when it comes to selling scripts is to find a producer. If you can get your script into the hands of one, they may want to get involved with raising money.
A development executive (also called creative executive) will often be approached by a producer with a script and it is then their job to persuade the studio to back it. However, because they work so closely with screenplays and help develop them, they’re obviously well worth targeting also.
How do you contact producers and execs?
Where do you find producers and execs who you may be able to sell your script? There was a time when searching for them used to be done using hard copies of the Hollywood Representation Directory and Hollywood Creative Directory. This method, though, has been rendered obsolete by the internet.
The best way to find people is by signing up to IMDb Pro. It costs $20 a month (or $150 a year.) But you do get a free trial to test it out. Once you’re on there, you’ll have access to the contact details all of the production companies, studios and execs in Hollywood.
The idea then is to seek out those who work on similar projects to your own who you may be able to sell your script. Keep in mind what genre (or mix of genres) best describes your script and target like-minded people.
If you have a great music-based drama screenplay, for example, check out who financed and developed Sing Street and Whiplash and focus your queries on them.
Create a plan-of-attack spreadsheet.
Take all of the information from IMDb Pro and put it into one giant spreadsheet. List the names of all the managers, producers, companies and execs you want to approach.
Create columns for outcomes, follow-up actions and results. It’s often a good idea, however, to not go for the actual person you want to make contact with. Instead, contact their assistant or someone lower down the food chain who may be more open to dialogue.
Take the first fifty names on your spreadsheet and, as with our Screenwriting Managers list. But remember to find out what their company’s submission policy is before submitting your query.
You may also wish to give them a call instead of emailing in order to establish more of a personal connection. Selling scripts, however, is much like selling anything else, and so if you’re not all that confident on the phone it may be best to stick to email.
How to sell a screenplay strategy #3: Try selling scripts through networking.
If you want to learn how to sell a screenplay, you also need to learn how to network. It’s just a part of the business that every aspiring screenwriter needs to get to grips with, no matter how unappealing it may seem at first.
While a screenwriting manager may be able to open doors for you, you’re also going to have to create your own opportunities. This means getting out there and meeting people.
Start by creating a list of everyone you know who’s somehow connected to the industry. Or, at best, someone you know who knows someone connected to someone in the industry. The amount of scripts sold over the water cooler each year are a testament to the fact that Hollywood is built on relationships.
Do you need to move to Los Angeles to start selling scripts?
If you don’t already live in Los Angeles, consider a move. It’s not do-able for everyone, however. But in LA you’ll find it much easier to meet industry people and give selling a screenplay a real shot.
You’ll be able to easily attend conferences, screenings, writing groups and festivals and easily make connections. Not to mention hang in the same coffee shops as managers, execs, producers, actors and other writers every day as you work on your latest screenplay.
Getting to know actors can also be extremely beneficial. They don’t have to be Emma Stone or Ryan Gosling. But if you can get a moderately well-known actor to read the script, they may be interested in playing a role. Once they’re attached, it’ll then be that much easier to attach other parties, such as a producer.
Yes, you may be able to hit people up on Skype nowadays, but face-to-face contact is often the very best way to get your career moving. Here are four bad reasons screenwriters give for not moving to Los Angeles (and why you should ignore them.)
How to sell a script strategy #4: Utilize online pitch sites.
As well as going the more traditional route when it comes to selling your screenplay, the websites below can help you sell scripts online.
The Blacklist.
If you want to know how to sell your screenplay online, the Blacklist is as good a place as any to start. The site began as a survey in 2005 when Franklin Leonard surveyed around 100 hundred film industry development execs about their favorite scripts from that year that had not been made.
Now screenwriters are able (for a fee) to upload their scripts to their database and monitor the volume of interest it receives from industry executives. As we said, a great starting point in figuring out how to sell a screenplay online. Check out the Blacklist >>
IMDb Pro.
Signing up to this site has become an industry standard procedure for any writer wanting to know how to sell a screenplay.
It costs $20 a month (or $150 a year) to do so and then you’ll have full access to a huge database of managers, producers, execs and actors who you may be able to interest with a query letter or phone call in your script. Check out IMDb Pro >>
Over 400 films have been made by producers from scripts and writers found on InkTip. In fact, they’ve had 3200+ scripts optioned, while helping 400+ find representation.
With over two decades in the industry, InkTip has been a reliable resource for screenwriters. They work with a mix of independent producers and larger companies including Hallmark, Zero Gravity, Hello Sunshine and Anonymous Content. Check out InkTip >>
International Screenwriters’ Association.
This site is packed full of ads seeking screenwriters for sitcoms, web series, sci-fi movies and everything in-between.
All you need to do is sign up for membership with the ISA and then start submitting your resumes to the gigs. Check out the International Screenwriters’ Association >>
How to sell a screenplay strategy #5: Enter screenwriting contests.
The market has become kind of swamped with contests, but be discerning and create a list of those three to five you think are the best fit for your script. Placing highly in one of the top screenwriting contests out there can really help you with selling a screenplay and do wonders for your career overall.
Follow the link to read our recommendations for the best screenwriting contests out there.
How to sell a screenplay strategy #6: Apply for screenwriting jobs.
Tread carefully here, but sometimes selling scripts can be as simple as reply to an ad on a screenwriting bulletin board. You can find some very interesting (and legitimate) ads on sites looking for screenwriters and screenplays.
We’ve already put in the work for you and collected together these screenwriting jobs sites, but as we say in the post, be wary of any posting asking for your money or time without any recompense.
The art of selling a screenplay by querying industry professionals.
When it comes to selling a screenplay, resist the temptation to fire off an email three days later enquiring if they’ve read your script. If you don’t hear back, give it three weeks before following up with a short and polite email.
If you do hear back… It’ll probably be with one of five responses:
• “Can you send in the script?”
• “Can you send in a synopsis?”
• “This isn’t for me, but what else do you have?”
• “Sorry, I’m not interested. Good luck.”
• Tumbleweeds…
What to do after you’ve made contact.
If you receive any of the first three responses, send off your work and again give it a few weeks before following up. If nothing comes of the leads you’ve created, it usually means there’s a problem with (a) the initial query, (b) your script or synopsis (c) your follow-up.
Ask for feedback and get back to work. Keep writing and repeat. There’s no point sitting around waiting for one of these people to give you your “big break.” In the meantime, keep writing new material, honing your skills, networking and expanding your portfolio. Then repeat the process of how to sell a script listed in this post all over again.
Selling a movie script is really a mix of sticking with it for the long haul and pure luck. It really depends how much you want it. If this is something you feel born to do, stick with it and the chances are you will succeed. After all, many writers took decades before they finally started selling scripts.
Learning how to sell a screenplay is not an exact science but, if your work is good, and you diligently test these options, you will do it.
On the other hand, not everyone is cut out to ever begin writing screenplays that sell. If you give selling a screenplay your best shot and years later still haven’t gotten anywhere, maybe it’s not.
The most important question, though, is, Are you still having fun writing?
How to sell a script frequently asked questions.
Q1. How much can you sell a screenplay for?
A. “How much should I charge for a screenplay?” “How much do screenplays sell for?” Great questions, and ones that don’t have a single answer. But, as a general rule for starting writers, what you’re paid for a script is solely based on the budget it’ll cost to make it. A writer is generally paid 2 percent of whatever the budget is (that’s what most reps ask for). Let’s say you write a $500,000 indie script. You should, as a starting point, ask for 2 percent of the budget (in this case $10,000) as the script purchase price. And the same 2 percent rule is applied to any amount greater than $500,000. We also have a post called Script Development 101: Option Agreements, Development Deals and More that explains the financial aspects of selling scripts in more detail.
Q2. Can you sell a screenplay without an agent?
A. Yes! Anyone can sell a script to anyone they like. There’s no legal requirement for writers to have an agent before selling a script. But one of the most common misconceptions among newbie writers is the notion that you need an agent before you can start selling scripts. In fact, an agent will only help you negotiate a good deal once you’ve found an interested party. So what would actually be more beneficial while looking to sell a script is a manager.
Q3. How hard is it to sell a screenplay?
A. It depends how good your script is. If you’ve written a poorly formatted, 140-page mess, it’s never going to sell. On the other hand, if you’ve written a fantastic script, really done your homework on how to sell a script and then gone out there and marketed it to death, it’s going to be infinitely easier. Not easy, but easier. “If you build it, they will come,” as Ray says in Field of Dreams.
Q4. What books would you recommend to learn how to sell a movie script or TV show?
A. The obvious classics are William Hague’s Writing Screenplays That Sell and Hal Ackerman’s Write Screenplays That Sell: The Ackerman Way. Lee Jessup also has a great book on marketing and selling scripts called Getting It Write. For more general books on the craft of screenwriting, check out our blog post: The 12 Best Screenwriting Books That’ll Help Kickstart Your Career.
Q5. Can I sell my idea for a movie or TV show?
A. Unfortunately, no. If you come across any website offering advice on how to sell a movie idea, get out of there. Fast. Any write can come up with a great idea, but they’re essentially meaningless on their own. It’s the execution of that great idea in a feature script or TV pilot that’s what’s valuable.
Q6. How do I sell a script to Netflix?
A. If you want to learn how to sell a script to Netflix, we have an in-depth article on the subject here.
How to sell a script in today’s market: Conclusion.
As you probably know, no one really has a definitive answer on how to sell a screenplay. Every professional writer has a different angle on selling scripts and a different story of how they broke in. But the options in this post will hopefully set you off in the right direction.
What do you think of our recommendations on how to sell a screenplay? Or have you already started selling scripts? What’s your breaking-in story? How did you go about selling your first screenplay? Let us know in the comments section below.
Liked this post? Read more on how to sell a screenplay…
How to Become a Screenwriter: A Pro’s Guide to Unlocking Your Career
Screenwriting Managers List of the Top 130 Hollywood Management Companies
How to Get a Screenwriting Agent and Manager in 10 Proven Steps
[© Photo credits: Unsplash]
I have script and am looking for a buyer. I wrote it last year when I was 17yrs and I have started another one but their is no one to buy it. So if interested then you contact me via WhatsApp +260771298946 or Facebook: LINGSTONE Peter Shawa.
Hello, my name is Chris Kays, I have one of the best intriguing action script, which I have titled 24/7/365 War againstpioneersofcorruption, the first serie I am done with it, so I am writing my book according to it’s movie series, if your are interested with this book please be in touch on my whatsapp number +27747420913, Facebook Chris Casey Kays
MEETING MRS.PARK AVE. I wrote this love romance, & drama, & action thriller at the end, movie script while in alcohol rehab..I’m an artist naturally. Story is based in NEW YORK CITY..white colar meets blue colar..Simple meets corporate..MRS. BEAUTIFUL MEETS MR. HANDSOME..ROBERT MORRIS 4072197375 OR 5613501985 DEBRA..BASED ON SOMEWHAT OUR TRUE LOVE STORY WITH A SPIN ON IT..EVERYONE THATS HEARD A SCENE OR 2 ABSOLUTELY SAY I WROTE A GOLDEN TICKET…PLZ CALL ME!! ONLY IF YOU GOT CONECTIONS TO PRODUCERS
MEETING MRS.PARK AVE. I wrote this love romance, & drama, & action thriller at the end, movie script while in alcohol rehab..I’m an artist naturally. Story is based in NEW YORK CITY..white colar meets blue colar..Simple meets corporate..MRS. BEAUTIFUL MEETS MR. HANDSOME..ROBERT MORRIS 4072197375 OR 5613501985 DEBRA..BASED ON SOMEWHAT OUR TRUE LOVE STORY WITH A SPIN ON IT..EVERYONE THATS HEARD A SCENE OR 2 ABSOLUTELY SAY I WROTE A GOLDEN TICKET…PLZ CALL ME!! ONLY IF YOU GOT CONECTIONS TO PRODUCERS
I am a novice screenwriter. I have got a complete script in the action genre, practical fiction and also two script’s ideas.
I love screenwriting and I want to work only in this industry.
Due to the international sanctions on my country, Iran, I am not able to make payments internationally, and due to this , most reputable film production companies and their representatives are not willing to cooperate with me or read my script.
I just had the choice to submit my script to free festivals on the fimfreeway website, but their continuous delays have discouraged me.
I am looking for a representative company: the one who can read my script.
please help me find a suitable one!
I believe in my story
I’ve read a lot of these articles in the past few days and this one is by FAR the most useful. Succinct and 6 good tips.
Thank you! See you on the red carpet! LOL
Thanks for reading Jon!
Love it, thanks for the great advice on how to sell a screenplay. its just what I needed right now.
Hello, I’m
Mohd mazhar T.C.W.A
script writer and i have a great storys different new subjects love storys
action suspens thriller
Horror A full to mirch masala wali DM me if interested 950 568 7232 wattsup
My name is sunil I am from Pakistan and I have a script to pitch for Hollywood because what I have is for Hollywood type material no demand of money at first point but afterwards I can get agree on small amount. Anyone can contact me on my whatsapp +923171502669
Hello I’m Judy
I have a script to sell plz any manager interested let me know through email:
Tell +254710997738
Am Sarasaratoi am in Kenya I have script more than more but in Kenya I don’t have enough people to play how can do to sell my script on amazon campaign
Realy good Blog. One of the books I read this week was by Ken Miyamoto and he had a wonderful point about managers. Instead of thinking, “how can I get one,” remember that they are looking for clients so we should be thinking. How can I position myself so a manager can find me?
Thanks, Art! Yes that’s how to get a manager in a nutshell.
I wanna sell my script content
Nice. very educative
Thanks for reading 🙂
Really helpful blog
Thanks for reading, Paul!
Hello, am Joshua a screenplay writer, I have a screenplay on market entitled THE AFRICAN WITCHES, emotional and entertaining at 10,000 US$ _
Thank you
I am happy with your advice, I thank you so much and I really count on you
Thanks for the shout out, Crispin!
I want to sale my movie script.massage me on a Nigerian
I really need financial support to buy cameras for my own movie industry.. thanks and here is my WhatsApp no +234 8106786987
Can you connect me to some movie producers directly?
I’m Rotich Ronald and I have beautiful scripts if you are interested in it you can email me at rotichronald945[at]
Hi am having an interesting action script with me titled The Jade
Great job here, many thanks.
Thanks, Blessing!
TJ slammer
About a nice 70 year old lady who gets thrown into the Tijuana jail. It’s rough, funny, and true.
I am a free lance writer living in Rosarito, Mexico and I am “ Becky”.
Copywriter 2021 Andrea Brae
Subject: Screenplay
Becky is 70, but you wouldn’t know it. Attractive, slim, she dyes her curly brown hair and would never let her white roots show. You look at her and know she has a refined background, is educated, a psychologist from Los Angeles.
Becky has decided to take a month off to complete the book she is writing, and has made a reservation with an Airbnb, but this time directly with the owner; Becky has stayed at this place before.
She arrives as planned; she’d sent an email to confirm her arrival. She stands at the gate at 6 pm with her suitcase, and it is a cold November day and it’s beginning to get dark. The gate is locked. She calls out the name of the housekeeper: Liz! Liz! There is no buzzer to rouse the inhabitants at this old mansion. She see Liz’s car so she thinks Liz is home.
She knows that Liz has a bad back and often stays in her room, will sleep during the day. Liz! Liz! She calls out, trying the gate. Becky rattles the high wrought iron gate, making a noise that she hopes will wake Liz. No response!
But Becky has a reservation! She slides the latch from the gate, then shakes the gate. And it opens!
I have awesome fiml story & Script.
It’s about Volunteers, amazing amazing.
WhatsApp +255 676 006 250
its very motivational. thanks
Thanks, Daniel 🙂
I want to sell my screenplay to a studio or produce, if there is someone interested kindly message me on whatsapp +1 (803) 570-8879
Eu tenho um bom argumento, uma sinopse perfeita para uma peça teatral ou filme ou para um filme musical ou peça teatral musical. O meu argumento ou sinopse pode ser desenvolvido livremente por um bom roteirista.
I want to sell my movie script.
Sorry I had to do a repost
Hello, I’m a student. I do movie and song scripts. So fur I have a couple of scripts on board, around six scripts movies and thirty song scripts. My movies go with the length of above 20 pages to 60 pages, but I can do greater than that. WhatsApp me: +254789814180 for further clarifications if a person has any questions to ask on the same. Thank you.
I’m a student. I do movie and song scripts. S o I have a couple o scripts on board, around six scripts movies and thirty song scripts. WhatsApp me: +254789814180 for further clarifications if a person has any questions to ask
you talked about how to sell a script but you didn’t talk about the agents and others who steal the ideas and the stories and they change the scenes then put their name ,, you didn’t talk about the fraud ,, your article is not compelete if you didn’t talk about how we protect our new ideas and scripts in this industry
I have good short film script. Just whatsapp +263779835835
I come from Kampala-Uganda main is coming soon
I sell LUIS BUÑUEL FILM SCRIPT. “El discreto encanto de la Burguesía”, by Luis Buñuel. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (French: Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie) is a 1972 surrealist film directed by Luis Buñuel. was a Spanish-Mexican filmmaker,who worked in France, Mexico, and Spain.Often associated with the surrealist movement of the 1920s, Buñuel created films from the 1920s through the 1970s. Having worked in Europe and North America, and in French and Spanish, Buñuel’s films also spanned various genres.
Sharing of information is very important.
Very innovative and pragmatic. I love the sharing of information.
It was helpful information
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Thanks for your beautiful post. And I also want to thanks all the participants for their excellent feedback….
Thanks a lot, Arvind!
Great, concise info, as always. Not only loads of experience packed into these blogs to save the writer time and unnecessary failed attempts in the mis-selling pf their screenplay, but quite a bit of thought as well in contructing this content material. Some of the most thourough and truthful information out there!
Thanks a lot for the feedback and glad you find it useful 🙂
as selling of a screenplay might be comparable with rolling a heavy boulder up an oiled hill.
Great, thanks, William 🙂
Your blog is a gyro for a sub lost in the Pacific Ocean.
Thanks again, William!
Passionate about script writing, I never new how actually my scripts should get into play. But now I got a hint. Thanks
Thanks for the shoutout, Kule and best of luck!
This is almost all that anyone need to start giving greens the considered screenwriting career. Thank you so much.
Thanks, Idmessiah, that’s great to hear!
Well, guess it’s a fight for survivor, I’m Ibrah, thanks for the info. it’s really helpful opens our eyes to seeing new things in new days, really grateful. Just wish luck washes itself on me.
Thanks a lot
Yes, best of luck with it, Ibrahim!
How To Write, Produce and Sell Your Film
Responding to Jerome gab puller or Jerome gab piller (spelled both ways in the above post.) Jerome, I am a screenwriter in the USA. I don’t have many contacts in the industry but I would be glad to hear your story. You can email me at
My name is Jerome gab puller and am from Nigeria. God interpreted the meaning of television(telecom indicating vision) to me some years back.since then HE has been unveiling some good stories to me that will help my generation, but I don’t know how to sell it or get the money to put it to act.pls help me,it is very frustrating to know were u want to go and not know how to get there.this is my number 09040010041
Hey I’m Nas Ali, I live in italy and I have couple of screenplay and i like to sell them but don’t how, i was wondering maybe you guys could help me out
Hi Nas, we have a Marketing Mentorship you might find useful that you can check out here.
Hallo am Linda from Zimbabwe..Africa..iam a script writer and i have a few good movies that i hv written..but now my problem is i dont know where to take them or who to talk to its so frustrating please help me..
This industry is very tough the best way is to look for an investor and producer your own film. We are all in the same struggle.
I’m young screenwriter working on to bring a fantasy genres of play. This advice really help me a lot. I’m very happy to visit this site. Thanks.
Thank you, Kabish!
My brother loves writing and he would like to work with famous producers. I found it interesting when you said that to have better chances to know the right people to get opportunities, it might be a good idea to move to Los Angeles. Thanks for sharing this article, it made me realize the importance of also having a perfect script.
Thanks, Derek!
My name is Bijan Zahedi
I have written 2 screenplay, ready to go, been writing for last 17 years, industry has closed circle policy, hard to get in unless you know someone, not giving up, I have one comedy and one drama, if interested email me
Hi dear.
I’m writer and novelist
I have nice drama script that want to suggest to you
And I’m writing another scripts and novel
Let me know if you want to corporate with me
This is a great article with SOLID TIPS on how to effectively sell a screenplay. It must be frustrating for the writer, Lee Jessep, to have so many comments completely ignore the article and try to sell their individual scripts. It’s almost as if the comments section could be made into an article of what NOT to do to sell your screenplay! As a reader/subscriber to this scriptreaderpro, I would suggest the comments be curated to not allow for that, as well as have the most recent at the top w/ the add comment box, so it’s not necessary to scroll through pages of painful, desperate, self-absorbed rants to make a constructive comment or respond directly to the writer’s request. And yes, I’ll step off my soap-box now. ; )
I have screen play script i will like give out for free to help the less privilage ones when sold out
Not sure what you mean, but thanks for the comment!
Hi I have a screenplay for an amazing movie please direct me to the production services
Hi. I am studying Visual Effects at University of West London – third year and am new writer, writing amazing fantasy story for which i hope i can create all visual effects . This site is very useful, thank you. I hope i can sell my script.
Thanks for the feedback, Emily, welcome aboard!
I want to sell my script. Its a fiction. It is an outstanding screenplay touching the imagination of a person watching it. How do i sell it?
I want to sell my script. Its a fiction. It is an outstanding screenplay touching the imagination of a person watching it. How do i sell it?
Hi my name is Mariam I come from a small country in west Africa called Ghana. I write scripts for movies .And so far I just wrote the best script ever and I think its gonna be very epic this has helped me a lot tho but in my country I wouldn’t be able to sell me script and I need help desperately this is my number if anyone want to ask me a few question or if someone wants to buy me script maybe am 15years old .pls call me on +233 231456991
Hello people. I am pierre ronald, I have many scripts for producing big budget film, I have 5 scripts, if you need them contact me 9179658657
Check out the Beast and the Beuty
What do you say about the
I’m Syed Mohammad Barzani, I’m a movie script writer and film director in Iraqi Kurdistan, I work on Kurdistan TV Satellite TV, I have a movie script I want to sell to you, I can also speak Farsi, please address and Give them my phone, thank you
Any advice on how to sell to the Hallmark Channel specifically? Thanks!
It is obviously incredibly difficult to sell a script but at least I have a better understanding of how the industry works now.
I have to give it a go as I hate my job and need to get out of the RUT i find my self in …..also my script is good ,REALLY GOOD !!
We built the site for people just like you, Tony – best of luck and we’re here if you need us.
Thank you kindly for the managers’ list link in my e-mail, Bob
if the previous comment is silly and I am the only one who can not figure out how to download the 130 managers list, please do not post it, still will appreciate a link, thanx, B
Hello, mangers list has no downloadable link… your site directed me to sign in, and download your resource tool via my e-mail, which i did, but that’s it, i cannot figure our how or where is the link for the 139 managers PDF list, could you please e-mail me a direct link, if possible, thank you, Bob
Thank you so much for this!
I’m 19 years old , I started writing at the age of 11 years , today I have almost 8 script and my script are perfect , the other I have us The hidden truth and black hunter …..I wish to see one of my script on television and I wish to get assistance because My script can change many peoples lives … Thank you
I’m stoked to discover this great site. My writing’s gonna improve 100% i can tell. Big shout out from Boston.
Welcome aboard, Kevin!
I am 13 yo and I am looking for someone to get my filmscript. I completed it. The title is THE HENDRASES’ ADVENTURE. I want to find someone to help me film my moviescript.
I am a 13 yo and I am have finished writing a filmscript. I am a beginner and I am wondering about how someone sells a filmscript. I want to sell a filmscript to a director or agent.
I am a 13 yo and I am have finished writing a filmscript. I am a beginner and I am wondering about how someone sells a filmscript. I want to sell a filmscript to a director or agent.
I’m the writer since the age off 11. Now I have the screenwriting which has Part 1 and Part 2. The tittle of it is MY INHERITANCE IS YOURS. I’m looking for a sponsor or anyone who want to sell it. My contact details: 0732241919 and e-mail I’m from SA. Anyone who want to buy it, contact.
Hey I know thiѕ is kinda off topic but does anyone know a good agent in Atlanta?
I just don’t know how they get to sale their screenplay. here in Zambia have a number of writers including myself and I have been writing scripts for years now. my country has no provision for that, but again its hard to sale in Hollywood.
I have finished scripts like. escape or die, kacholola 1993, justice, and the most exciting the new done. A movie that tells how Dr. Kenneth Kaunda fought to get independence from colonial. first time ever in Zambia. All talents are just being wasted , anyone who can help. my email
Hi, can anyone say can I be sure that if I send my script it won’t be stolen and used as somebody else’s ?
Hi Zof – we’ve answered this question here.
First of all I want to Thank you, I just can’t find these kind of advice from anyone. My name is Selamawit I am from Ethiopia. So how can I sell my script from here in Africa to Hollowed? And I just change the script play in to a book so did it has a problem? Thank you .
Sincerely, Selamawit
How do I cold query producers?
This is a topic that’s close to my heart… I am a writer wishing to break in. Many thanks! Exactly where are your contact details though?!
My name is meelan I am form india. I only researching and developing my writting scripts that was true storys of great peoples biographys.Some are Good and some are very dangerous. Other are based some True hidden incidents Story of some where in our state’s and script is fully proof with Books writers and incidents sufferer Familys members and with also Court law of justices documents So any one interested to contact with me directors, producer’s or some one who intrested My scripts. Then mail me. Thanking you.
I have a story of a boy’s life who improves his life by taking lesson from his father’s life.
This is a movie story. I hope it will be heart touching for all of u.
Thanks for this. Definitely given me food for thought on how to sell a screenplay finally!
That’s great to hear, Thomas! Keep at it and I’m sure you’ll get there.
Love this. Great advise for us new writers. thank you so much 🙂
Thanks, Laurent!
I don’t know if it’s just me or if everybody else wishing this article would give more hands on advice on how to sell a script. All this talk and no action it seems as always.
Do people really send out query letters anymore? Feels so 1998 lol.
Such great work and сoverage! Keep up the good works guys, I’ve recommended you to my writing group!
Thanks so much, Jacqueline – really appreciate it!
Can you tell us more about selling screenplays? I’d care to find out some additional information.
Hey! Do you know if these movie idea generators work?
Great post. I will be facing a few of these issues as well as I’m moving to Los Angeles at the end of the month.
Good luck, Cathy!
Donald Trump is the president of the United States.
Selling scripts is sooo hard. I really feel like giving up some days… 🙁
Best guide on how to sell a screenplay ever written! Love you guys!!
My biggest dream would be to sell one of my screenplays. I can’t wait to see my ideas come to life on the big screen <3
I don’t live in the US, but I want to sell my screenplay to producers in Hollywood. I’m planning a trip to Los Angeles next month – so fingers crossed hopefully I’ll make some great connections to sell my script.
Thanks for putting this information together. Really insightful.
Apparently, what you ask the universe, the universe will give you:
I’ve written 3 amazing screenplays and they are only waiting to be sold. Please email me if you’re looking for a good romance/comedy script.
Its interesting all the aspiring people here who want to sell something. The irony of taking your dreams and selling them. Ideas are the cornerstone of any great cinematic movement now. So many dreams, only a few will wake. Hopefully some to better opportunities and projects that might inspire us to be human again, oh, were we ever? I think we were. Remember when people used to applaud at the end of a movie or during a scene? I MISS that. I miss the crowd interaction. I miss rooting for the players, hoping against hope that they will endure even if a little bad has to take place along the way. I miss morals and standards and values. I miss class. I miss consistency. I miss the difference between movies stars and actors, true actors, the kind of acting that inspires writers to write with that presence in mind. I miss standing in line at the moves filled with anticipation for something I just knew was going to be good, no matter what. I miss the long conversations and philosophical debates I would get into with people about the characters and why they reacted that way. But most of all, I miss the impact of a great story. Something that makes you believe again. Not just in movies. With so much respect to these people here, I know you have come a long way. The pieces will come together. Don’t give up no matter what. You can. You will. The audience is waiting.
Thanks, Chris – wise words.
I think why selling script become increasingly difficult is because producer write script and produce it… They prefer it than paying someone to write for they.they take the glory of a scriptwriter and producer.
Most of them are not good at writing… because they is division of labour.
I have a script that Roger Lua at PARAMOUNT PICTURES liked so much that he and his crew spent a week and a half trying to decide between mine and one other to make a movie out of. Roger picked the other in the end, he said that he liked mine better, but he does not understand Christianity (his religion is different) going on to say that if he understood my religion he would have picked it.
Roger said “Your book will be an awesome movie! My crew and I really loved your airplane scene, we have never scene it done like that in all of our years in this business”
The script is not just another faith-based film, but an awesome, frightening, Horror Film
Good luck with the script, Wayne.
i have many idea for big budget movie i am belong very small city from india
for example
story in my mind
1. some person i mean 10 to 20 person who going to find TREASURE that location in maunt Everest its story about adventure drama action negative and positive thinking fight in that location its very beutiful adventure drama
and that TREASURE is UFO TREASURE mystery
2. this story about two brother belong who both are blind but they have special power of god
they always know what will done next but they 2 bros dont wana tell any one i mean that blind bro know about future but both bro want change future so they find way to going in future
3. this story about alone girl who need love of family in childhood her lost all family but reson are her uncle who killed her family and in farm that girl in hostage of her uncle her uncle need her property and her big 1000 akr area farm that way uncle need as per written will when her 18 age …. in between that girl in dark room very change nature like very to much wild one day her out of that room and escape from that hostage house but many years that girl in dark room so very change like animal type after that in city start killed peoples by that girl very wildly that story around about that
4. other story about bandit lover boy
5 and one story about find new planet likes earth but there also killed all alien who live before there
earth helps them to find who killed them
like that many story idea i have if any interested contact me
mail me and call me
my Email id :
contact no. india – +919825727645
Hope you find success soon.
Hi, MAHESH from india.
The Synopsis:-
The story is of two friends Vikram and Rajveer from a village Raipur. They move to a city in search of a job. In the city, they happen to stay in an abandoned palace. A turn of events thereafter changes their lives forever.
The script is a drama of friendship, love, mystery and action. The script motions in non-linear fashion showcasing flashbacks and present times across the story.
Two kids Vikram and Rajveer are living with their mothers in a village Raipur. They are inseparable friends and always take care of each other. In a tragic incident, Rajveer’s mother dies. After her death, Rajveer is fostered by Vikram’s mother. Rajveer and Vikram grow up as young adults with opposite traits. Rajveer is adamant, rebellion, picking fights with people who try to bully him and his friend. Vikram is composed and thoughtful person, always pacifying Rajveer when he rolls up his sleeves for fighting.
They both move to a city in search of earning their living. When they arrive in the city, they have no money to get a place to stay and buy food. Someone tells them that there is remnant of an old abandoned palace in the city where they can live without paying a penny. Rajveer compels Vikram to resort to that palace as they don’t have any other option.
When they start living in that palace, they experience some abnormal activities. But still they continue living there and try to find some work. They make some futile attempts to find jobs.
They meet a young girl Lajjo around the palace who helps them by bringing food for them every day. Soon, Rajveer falls for Lajjo. She narrates her unfortunate events in her life to Rajveer and Vikram. Vikram falls for a girl named Roshani whom he meets in a village fair.
A turn of events thereafter changes Vikram and Rajveer’s life. Their fortunes change and they become rich. The story moves forth with some interesting plots well-knitted in the narrative and unfolds the mysteries behind Lajjo and the abandoned palace, how they become so rich, and the hurdles Rajveer and Vikram have to go before their destiny makes them rich.
The story recounts the saga of friendship and fate and the journey towards changing one’s own fortune.
1. Vikram
Vikram is a young, around 25 years old man. He is a successful businessman. He is handsome with average-built physique. He is enthusiastic, intelligent and smart, caring, compassionate. Though he is quiet and calm at first impression, if someone goes against him he turns fierce.
Vikram and Rajveer are best childhood friends.
2. Rajveer
Rajveer is of same age as vikram. He is tall, dark, with well-built physique. He is helpful, mentally strong, dashing, thoughtful, Visionary, ambitious. He helps Laxmi to take revenge for her torture. He also turns hostile if someone goes against him.
3. Laxmi/Lajjo
She is a good looking village girl around 20 years of age. She is helpful, happy-go-lucky, cheerful and caring. The story revolves around her past life.
4. Roshni
She is a good looking, well-educated girl around 20 years of age. She is smart, intelligent and helpful. She is married to Vikram. She is a good wife, she supports Vikram’s dream of establishing a factory.
5. Hiralal
He is one of the villain of the story. He is simple and average looking but very cunning, deceitful man. By profession he is a bhelpuri vendor.
6. Dilavar
He is a strong and sturdy man with fierce eyes. He is cruel, cunning and arrogant. He is aristocratic and belongs to a royal family. He is one of the villain who has tortured Laxmi and her family.
7. Lakha
This goon is tall, well built and dreadful looking man. Khanna’s Right Hand. He is very cruel union leader of a factory and bullies the labours/workers of the factory.
8. Khanna
This middle aged, fat Manager of Vikram’s factory and is always seen in formal attire with spectacles on his cunning eyes. He is the one who tries to swindle all the property and possessions of Vikram.
B/ Regards,
9920 747 737
9773 402 654
Thanks for posting, good luck!
Wow, this is really good MY. Thank you for this piece of advice, i was really wondering how i can sell MY script which am about completing now.
Thanks for the comment, Naomi!
Good luck, Ricky.
Keep up the great work and generating the crowd!
I truly appreciate those websites post above. I am familiar with “InkTip”. — I am currently revising my script and when its done within a few weeks, I am going all out for Readers and BigGuns to read; re-entering screenplay competitions and beyond.– I see people leaving links to e-mails, treatment post, etc. — As a serious screenwriter, you should definitely create your own website. Try “” or “”. Attend Final Draft annuals in New York or California. Network and converse with everyone; don’t forget to smile. My best advice to those who read this, is to believe in yourself and never give up; dreams come true everyday. God Bless. Amen.
hello i have been searching corner after coner and wondering how am i going to sell my movie script. i am currently looking for an agent to get my script sold. thapelo
Here’s a resource you should check out:
hello happy I met this site , I have been looking for a site like yours for the several master piece I have, will be happy if you can help me get my scripts sold or in partnership. Epair lylian. Cameroon
Another option is to submit your script to a dedicated screenplay marketplace like the one we’ve recently created.
Yes, like the ones in the post.
Wow! What a great resource, with plenty of follow up leads! I’ve opened many in extra tabs while reading, not to have to search for them again.
Thanks so much for all this excellent advice.
I’m actually looking to convert my novel about a wannabe rock star who, by a series of lucky breaks and talent, makes it to the top.
The supporting characters are all individuals, with their own agendas, and there’s a few twists. The theme is the music biz as was, with scouts, record companies, agents managers deals etc – two rival companies – and the impact that online indy production had on creatives and the industry. Sub plots, love stories, great music, rags to riches, lots to get carried away in the narrative.
Can I pitch it as is or should I write the screen play, with scene setting, dialogue, pacing, etc. Before submitting to several managers on the managers’ lists – or one at a time? As a novel it’s quite a long read. As a screenplay, it would need to be hacked down and embellished to just what’s needed to tell the story, to keep the momentum. Do you have advice on this? I can ‘see’ it, but am pretty new to screenwriting. Where do you think I should start? As a pitch? Or a full script?
Thanks again for all this great advice, and good luck, everyone!
Depends if you want to sell a novel or a script 🙂 If you’re referring to our managers list, they only accept scripts and you would need to have a script to show them.
I am a self published Author of Green the Fairy and the return of the Gladiator King. You can check this two books online.
I have three screenplays that I want to sell, and I need your help.
Can you help me?
I am also a self publishing author with six books to my credit. All books are published in London and sold on ebay A poetry, two short stories books and three novellas all of diverse backgrounds. I have adapted them into screenplay. Being physically, diabled it is difficult to make films myself and ~I need a producer or a buyer for my screenplay scripts
Congrats on the books, hope you start selling scripts soon too.
Most interesting comments. I’ve written two wonderful scripts that I would love to see on the screen. Willing to negotiate.
Good luck with them, Wes!
Dear producer i have 15 years of experience with film making production in africa , i wrote quite many long stories that are well
qualified to be produce as film too, there is different types of them, they include same Detective,story,Mystery and comedy, if you are interested in producing those film i will be more them happy to meet you
Dear producer i have 15 years of experience with film making production in africa , i wrote quite many long stories that are well
qualified to be produce as film too, there is different types of them, they include same Detective,story,Mystery and comedy, if you are interested in producing those film i will be more them happy to meet you
Dear producer i have 15 years of experience with film making production in africa , i wrote quite many long stories that are well
qualified to be produce as film too, there is different types of them, they include same Detective,story,Mystery and comedy, if you are interested in producing those film i will be more them happy to meet you
hello i reallly enjoyed your post , am from Rwanda and have a nicest touching script based on my true life story and would like to sell it, if there is somepne there to buy just contact me on +250786487665 the screenplay is titled ( i call it fate ) thanks
Thanks, Fred.
Thanks but can I ask how to get an agent? My script’s ready to take Hollywood by storm hahaha.
Thanks, I want to sell my script but didn’t know where to start. This is useful.
How did you make it? I am in similar situatio.
Great I love your post, it is a great help to me. I have mostly been writing screenplay right now l have over 19 feature film screen play in the following gernes drama, horror, action and fiction. And am corently working on the first season, 4th episode 1hr tv series “the pantheon”. I have already written the story and the script already figure out right up to season 3.
Thanks for the hope and thoughts as I look faward to make these this series keep the audiens in more suspens and with each episode they would wonder who is responsible for the troubles and will main character ever succeed to bring them down as…… A question season three will answer after moment of high suspense, tension and emotion.
Thanks for the feedback. Keep at it Enokwei!
i have vry good screenplay to sell in united states so i can move to los angles. Will you help me?
THE UNSEEN – A Movie Script By George Xavier Victor
In this jet age time, the increase in knowledge has drawn a battle line between good and evil. This great battle has great influence on man-kind, especially on the young once (youths/teens). They are more vulnerable to this drastic change in nature, be it good or bad, because in life a choice has to be made. The choice between good and bad, the choice to be outstanding or nonentity. There is confusion by the reason of these options set before man-kind by nature. But in the midst of this warfare placed before man-kind, comes a beautiful smart and outstanding adult teenage girl called Shalom. Shalom is in her finals in high school, though not the brightest student in her school, but she is better than an average student. She is the kind of girl that every parents would want there children to associate with. She is a standard in her school, her neighborhood, her church and the society at large. Due to her outstanding character, most times people do invites her to deliver speech in seminars/conferences even as she teaches her fellow teenagers in her local assembly (church). She has a childhood friend called Love. Love is her age mate, they attends the same church, the same school and they are classmate too. Love is like every other teenagers that can be easily influenced by the society. Though Love is the brightest student in her school. But that alone is not good enough for her Mum (Amanda ). Amanda wants Love to be like her friend Shalom. But to Love, she can’t be like Shalom because she is Love and not Shalom. Love gets angry with Shalom when her Mum and teens’ teacher (Lisa) in there church starts comparing her to Shalom. She gets angrier with Shalom after she heard Shalom’s Mum (Joy) advising Shalom to stay away from her since she is not as good as Shalom. But Shalom didn’t heeds to her Mum’s advice, she tries everything humanly possible to reconcile with Love even as Love is staying away from her because of the sudden hatred she developed towards Shalom due to the comparison and advices.
Amaka is a young teenager who is real and down to earth, she has the life of an activist. She attends the same church with Shalom and Love. As a young teenager, she is confused as she notices some certain changes in her body (certain growth, her emotions, feelings towards the opposite sex). She is more confused when the young men around her starts coming after her. With this concurrent change and pressure on her, the young girl is helpless. Amaka has no Choice than to accept what the world has to offer. Amaka stops attending church and starts moving with the young men within the environment. When there teens’ teacher (Lisa ) notices Amaka recent behaviour, she stops the other teenagers from associating with Amaka, she believes that young Amaka will corrupt the other teens with her wild life. But Shalom with her compassionate heart ignores Lisa’s instruction, she sits Amaka down, talks with her and gets to know why Amaka is doing what she is doing. Shalom feels deep compassion for Amaka, because Amaka’s life reminds her of her life when she was same age with Amaka. Shalom has no choice than to disclose her past, her deepest secret to Amaka. Amaka been stupefies after hearing Shalom’s unseen past and seeing her present life was inspired. Shalom’s story turns Amaka’s life for good.
In their annual teen’s regional conference, Shalom was giving the privilege to be one of the speakers. Her Mum, teachers, pastor, friends and fellow teens are all excited over this great chance giving to Shalom. On the day of the conference, while Shalom is giving her speech on love, sex and relationship, she slumps and was rushed to the hospital, and was later tested and confirmed by the doctor that she is 5 months pregnant. What a shocking news to her family, friends, teachers, pastors, fellow teens and to everyone that knows her. The worst of it all is that after questioning her to know who got her pregnant, she said she doesn’t know who got her pregnant. They concluded that she had been sleeping around that’s why she can’t point out the exact man that got her pregnant. But Shalom is standing on her point that she doesn’t have a boyfriend and she didn’t sleep with any man. This is an unbelievable story to every ear that hears it “though Christ is coming again as promised, but not in the womb of a virgin” they say.
The one time glorious and happy Shalom is now a reproach, a shame and a disgrace to her family, her church, her school, and to everyone that knows her. Shalom the bright, smart and lively girl is now the sad, sorrowful and lonely girl after everyone turns their back at her. But against all odds, Amaka refuses to let Shalom to be downtrodden. Because of the love she has for Shalom, she is ready to tear down walls, flatten mountains, she is ready to pull down anything in her way just to make Shalom happy again.
But who got Shalom pregnant? Was she living an UNSEEN life that none is aware of? Or is her past now reacting with her present life? As a pregnant teenager, how did she cope with life since all her love ones has turned their back on her?
There are lot of un-answered question in this heart trigging story,
THE UNSEEN looking for sponsorship or partnership
Great stuff! I feel like I know how to get my script out there now.
How long should I leave it before contacting an agent who’s requested my script to see if they like it?? Thanks
I have a perfectly written screenplay that is ready to sell! It is a mix of fantasy, sci-fi, drama, actioin, dreams big about fate of human life in this consciousness across several sphere of time. Very good strong characters and story. Ready to sell now. Contact me at
This was a great to the point post filled with some of the most helpful advice about maneuvering through the screenwriting industry. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I love what I read all through.. Keep it up
I have a screenplay, exclusive material.. I’m a citizen of a completely different country, where life, values and love are different..Inner nature in people’s , unselfish self-sacrifice…And that’s all his peculiarities about of love. One honest guy one unfortunate moment Which is why it is disabled his becomes invalid, But he finds great love…
Having read this it’s really helped me understand how to sell a screenplay a lot more.
I appreciate you taking the time and energy to put this content together.
Screenplay ” The Dragon Never Dies ” Farzin Youabian film. Hi my name is Farzin Youabian and at this time I do have a screenplay is action pack kung fu film looking for an agent or manager to sale all of my scripts
Hi Farzin – we actually have a mega blog post on this:
I was able to find really good content on your blog. I rarely come across a website that share so much great information! Thanks, guys!!
Hola from Sarasota! I have a script, action, strong characters very good. It’s ready to sell. Plz contact me and let’s change the world!
Thanks for the great tips script reader guys!
Thank you for another magnificent post. Great place to get that kind of info in such a perfect approach of writing! I have a presentation next week, and I’m on the look for such information.
I need help with my script guys please its an action script
You can check out our script coverage services here.
Hi there, can you help me sell my script. It is very good.
I am extremely impressed together with your writing talents as well as with
the structure in your weblog. Keep up the nice quality writing, it’s uncommon to look a nice blog like this one nowadays..
Good day! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I truly enjoy reading what you have to say about screenwriting. Can you suggest any other blogs/websites/forums that go over the same subjects?
I extremely enjoyed this. Now I know how to sell my screenplay, thank you.
2nd time using this script consultancy…just excellent!
Great post thanks. Sounds like a lot of work but now I know what to do to sell my script.
hello . how to sell screenplay Animation to pixar ?
Unfortunately when it comes to animation, companies like Pixar don’t accept short or feature length submissions from aspiring screenwriters – they have their own in-house team who develop the stories. My recommendation would be to either make the animation yourself or partner with someone who can do it, and then put up online and try and get some interest in it. Or alternatively go the more traditional feature live-action screenplay route.
My script is translated as quality dears, by a qualified translator
My name is Mrs. Iza Chkadua. I am from Tbilisi, Georgia, ( country). I’m a poet, writer, and playwright. My novels are published in UK. I have a screenplay exclusively for you (according to listed criteria).
Thank you for your attention.
Iza Chkadua
This is an unusual script, I tell all the worlds face, This drama will be tomorrow best watching film. Believe me.. Thanks,
Nuca machabeli
His provided this history of consume my scripts has been detected to more than one chances
so beautiful world inspiration impression History,
Write by Mr. Ramsingh