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Writing a Compelling Synopsis: Free 'Whiplash' Example

How to Write a Movie Synopsis: Selling Your Script in 2024

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by Script Reader Pro in Screenwriting Tips
April 5, 2022 57 comments

How to Write a Movie Synopsis: Selling Your Script in 2024

If you want to learn how to write and sell a script, you must also learn how to write a synopsis.

A movie is based on a screenplay, but that screenplay is based on a story. And a story in its purest form can be found in a movie synopsis.

Whether you plan on writing a film synopsis for a script that’s done and dusted or is yet to be written, being able to refine a story down to 400 or so words is an invaluable skill to acquire.

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What is a synopsis?

The first question you have to ask yourself when wondering how to write a synopsis for a movie is “what kind?”

In this post we’re going to focus on the two most popular reasons for writing a film synopsis:

To use as a selling tool after writing the script
To nail the story before writing the script

Whatever your motivation for writing a synopsis, the basic skill required for both is the same:

The ability to tell an exciting, coherent story in under 500 words of prose.

We’re also going to show you a synopsis format example, so you can see exactly what one looks like, but let’s start with the most common reason for writing a plot synopsis: as a marketing tool.

Part 1. How to write a synopsis as a selling tool

A screenplay synopsis is simply a breakdown of its core A-story into prose. Its primary function is as a selling tool to aid the writer in the marketing of their script.

This kind of synopsis should fit on one page (or less) and, for this reason, is sometimes called a “one-pager.”

A script synopsis/one-page is either sent along with a query letter to a manager, exec, producer, etc. or left behind after a meeting.

A writer’s hope is that after the industry contact reads it, he/she will like the story enough to request the whole script.

What is a synopsis of a movie compared to a treatment?

The main difference between a movie synopsis and a treatment, is that a synopsis is only one page in length. A treatment, on the other hand, is usually around 5 to 10 pages.

Both can be used as selling tools. However, a synopsis is usually sent at the beginning of any communication and a treatment further down the line.

What goes into a movie synopsis (as a selling tool)?

If there’s one plight that aspiring screenwriters share, it’s getting a screenplay read by “the right people,” i.e. industry people. But one of the most overlooked devices when pitching a screenplay is a tightly written film synopsis that sells the core concept and story.

Learning how to write a synopsis for a movie is crucial—just as important, in many ways, as writing the actual script itself.

Here are the key elements that go into a synopsis format:

Script logline
Synopsis of core story
Contact details

Let’s take a look at each in turn.

how to write a synopsis

How to write a film synopsis: the logline.

Technically, your logline can also go in your query letter. But it can be a good idea to include it at the top of your one-page movie synopsis also.

Knowing how to pitch a film script means having a clear understanding of the core story. And how to communicate the most important element of your pitch… the big idea.

Putting it into written form as a plot synopsis means first learning how to write a logline. Just like the synopsis sells the screenplay, the logline sells the synopsis.

A good logline explicitly tells us what the story is about, and what our protagonist is up against, in two sentences.

For example:

After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter with two men who claim the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack. [10 Cloverfield Lane]

If the idea is good, the logline for that story will trigger the reader’s imagination and make them want to read the synopsis.

Check out this post for more information on how to write a logline.

Movie synopsis practical exercises. 

Here’s a great exercise to help train your mind to see the core idea in a story and write a professional logline.

Write ten loglines of your ten favorite movies. This will help you drill down to the movie’s core and develop the ability to summarize it in a couple of sentences.

Then write five different loglines for your screenplay. Identify the best one, and you’ll know it when you read it.

How to write a synopsis: the core story. 

The best way to think of a movie synopsis is as a short story version of your script. It is simply your script’s main plot written in prose and condensed down to a single page.

Its focus is the script’s core conflict: what the protagonist struggles to achieve and what’s at stake if they don’t achieve it.

Overall, keep the habits you’ve learned from screenwriting at the forefront of your mind when writing a film synopsis.

Use strong visuals.

Write in the present tense.

Write what we can see (apart from a couple of exceptions if needed.)

Let your writer’s “voice” shine through in the synopsis.

There are other fundamentals, of course, but keep this in mind and you’re golden.

Stick to only the important plot points when writing a movie synopsis.

A screenplay needs to be brisk and always moving the plot forward. The same applies to a screenplay synopsis, but with even more efficiency.

Your talent lies in your choice of effective words that tell the story in an exciting and efficient manner. This means forgoing subplots, minor characters and anything that’s superfluous to your protagonist’s struggle.

Too often writers make the mistake of including extraneous details and things that are not important to the story. This is because we feel that by giving context around everything in the story, we’re increasing the odds of the reader getting more out of it.

This a mistake. We’re cheating the reader of the thrill of discovering their own immediate connection with the story. Don’t lose your reader by spoon-feeding them every little detail and telling them how they’re supposed to think.

Get right into a very important scene and circumstance that catapults the story and give us a very clear and clever example of your protagonist’s character. Then continue the plot synopsis by hitting only the pivotal turning points and events that define and drive the story.

Highlight the protagonist’s arc in the plot synopsis.

Even though you’ll be writing an abbreviated overview of your screenplay, it can help to take the time to spell out the protagonist’s emotional growth. It’s one of the very few times you can pull out of the linear narrative and give commentary.

It’s a way of taking pause to establish personal turning points for your character. For example:

“She’s finally accepted the truth of her marriage, but instead of grieving, she gives in to a primal need for vengeance.”


“It was at this moment he knew his ultimate downfall was unavoidable, and being a man with nothing to lose would finally shake his enemies to the core.”

Taking the time to highlight those moments where the character evolves, makes them human. You can then get right back into the story beats—outlining only the plot’s most important events and turning points.

Choose only the critical moments in the script where your protagonist experiences an intense turning point: an ultimatum, a revelation, a decision. This will pull the reader into the story more as they read scenes that reveal his or her character.

Highlight the genre in the movie synopsis.

Make sure your plot synopsis conveys the genre and tone of the script itself. Give the reader a feel for the type of movie you’ve written. This is your calling card for the script, so it needs to excite, thrill, move or shock just like the script itself.

If it’s a comedy, then the writing style should be humorous, and the situations you describe should be painful and hilarious at the same time.

If it’s a horror, then the writing style should be evocative of a scene in a horror movie and induce anguish and fear in the reader. You get the picture.

Movie synopsis practical exercises.

Write ten one-page synopses of your ten favorite films. This is an invaluable exercise in learning how to write a synopsis. And how to distill a story down to its core components.

Another good exercise is to imagine you only have one minute to pitch your favorite director who’s interested in the script.

What moments from the story would you use to try and convince them they should read the script? What scenes would you describe to ignite their interest? Your answers to these kinds of questions are what should probably go in the synopsis.

how to write a synopsis

Synopsis format and contact details.

There are no hard and fast rules here. As with the actual screenplay, try not to sweat the small stuff when it comes to presentation and synopsis format.

No one really cares whether you use single or double spacing or 11-point Helvetica versus 12-point Arial, or if your contact details are at the top or bottom of the page.

That said, while there are no “rules” as such, here are a few pointers.

A few do’s.

Always include the name of your script, who it’s written by and the fact this is a synopsis. (It’s best at the top.) You don’t want the reader to love the story but then have no way to contact you.

Include other optional information such as the script’s genre and WGA registration number if you wish. This can go alongside your contact details, either at the top or bottom of the synopsis.

It’s probably best to keep things as clean and simple as possible. This means avoiding Courier font, other fancy fonts or images of any kind.

Movie synopsis format.

Some people say you should break your plot synopsis down into three paragraphs—one for each act. Others insist it should be four, while others recommend five.

Again, there aren’t any set in stone rules when it comes to writing a film synopsis. If you manage to condense your story down into three paragraphs that’s fine. If it’s four or five, that’s fine also.

One-page film synopsis example PDF (Whiplash).

This is a great film synopsis example PDF for Whiplash, so you can see exactly the kind of thing to go for. (Contains spoilers, naturally.)

Bear in mind, this isn’t the official synopsis template used by Damien Chazelle himself. Or an actual film synopsis written for Whiplash.

We wrote this one-page film synopsis example to give you an idea of their style and content.

Read a Synopsis Format PDF for WHIPLASH

Part 2. How to write a synopsis as a story tool.

The second function of a movie synopsis involves condensing your story down to a page before starting on the script. Or, early in the process of writing it as you attempt to tighten up the story.

What is a synopsis of a movie compared to an outline?

Again, a movie synopsis is not to be confused with a treatment or a script outline. An outline is usually a longer, scene-by-scene and/or beat-by-beat breakdown of the story.

Unlike synopses and treatments, they are only really written during the pre-script stage and don’t usually go further than the writer’s hard drive.

You can read more in our post on how to write a script outline.

What goes into a movie synopsis (as a story tool)?

Pretty much everything that goes into the movie synopsis as already described. The only difference is you don’t have to include the logline or worry about synopsis format. It’s purely a writing exercise for your eyes only.

See if you can write out your story on one page. Either by expanding a logline up, or condensing an outline down, to around 400 to 500 words.

Doing this will help you better understand your core idea, write efficiently and identify the heart of your story.

As we’ve already mentioned, there’s no need to worry about synopsis format here. It’s up to you if you use a 9-point font with no paragraph breaks just so that the plot synopsis fits on one page. Just bear in mind the only person you’re cheating is yourself.

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How to write a synopsis frequently asked questions. 

Q1. How long should a synopsis for a film be? 
A. As we write above in Part 1, “How to write a synopsis as a selling tool,” if you’re writing a synopsis as a selling tool, it should generally be a “one-pager.” That is, your whole story should fit on one page so that it’s easy for industry folk to digest. If you’re writing a synopsis for yourself as a story tool, it’s completely up to you how long you want to make it.

Q2. What is an example of a synopsis? 
A. You can download a one-page film synopsis example here from the movie Whiplash. We also encourage you try writing your own synopses of your favorite movies. Can you fit the entire story to Game Night or You’re Next on a single page? Practice, practice, practice and apply to your own work.

How to write a synopsis: conclusion.

Now that you know how to write a synopsis for a movie, it’s time to put in the work.

Spend time writing synopses of your favorite films first. Pick films similar to the one you’re writing or have written and learn how important it is to be able to tell a compelling story in under 500 words.

(Do yourself a favor by avoiding lengthy movies like The Godfather or The Lord of the Rings.)

Then apply the technique to your own story. Write and rewrite your movie synopsis until it’s where you want it to be. Then get feedback on it and make changes so it’s even better. And whatever you do, make sure it’s been proofread by someone before sending it out. Good luck!


We hope you have a better idea now of how to write a synopsis for a movie. If you have any queries or comments please leave them in the comments section below.

how to write a synopsis

Enjoyed this post? Read more on how to sell a screenplay…

Screenwriting Managers List of the Top 130 Hollywood Management Companies

How to Pitch a Movie Idea and Sell Your Script With Style

How to Sell a Screenplay: 6 Most Popular Ways New Writers Make a Sale

[© Photo credits: Flickr, Unsplash

  1. Jason says:

    Love Whiplash and this post! Thanks.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks for reaching out, Jason!

  2. Helen Anselem says:

    Thanks so much sir but can i type my script in any close business center???

  3. pushpa says:

    This Site Is Very Good.

  4. Jaiye taiwo says:

    Thank you for taking the time to break it down. All I have to do now is practice. Thank you . It was a great read.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks, Jaiye – glad you liked it!

  5. Onyekachi Ukwa says:

    I find this very useful. Thank you so much.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Great, thanks for reading, Onyekachi 🙂

  6. ibomma says:

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  7. Keys Dammie says:

    Thank you so much for this incredible breakdown, now it’s high time to smash down all the stories burning in my head. Thank you once again.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks for the shout out, Keys! Best of luck with the synopsis.

    2. Mo says:

      I agree.

  8. superpet says:

    You guys are awesome. Thank you.

  9. Attilio says:

    This is a very useful article that will help in my future writing. I write to invigorate myself. I write to be the characters that I am definitely not. I write to investigate all the things I’m anxious about. Please take a look at my blog on Tips in Writing the Best Romance Book.
    This will guide me on how to write a romance book, and I was hoping that this will help you in return.


    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks Attilio – best of luck with the writing!

  10. Florida says:

    Thanks for the information. The break down is clear and helps a lot.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks for reading, Florida!

  11. Asanele says:

    I am extremely grateful for the content that you have here. I thank you very much, the content has come in handy with my English synopsis and script writing assignment.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Great to hear, thanks Asanele!

  12. Hamnet says:

    William W

    Your content is amazingly helpful. You deserve all of your success and more!

  13. Jeff Victor says:

    Thanks for this highly informative write up. Please I would like to know how to write a plot for a script. And if you have already done it, I would to have the link please.

  14. GINA MONDAY says:

    Wow!! This has been awesome info. I have already written my screenplay, 10 years ago, but am revising it with the time given because of the quarantine . I have taken out quite a bit and I do feel better about it. BUT, I just realized about the standard format for screenplays vs stage script and had to break down and cut the fluff from my script …yet again….to finalize it!! BUMMER!!
    So, just yesterday, I learned about the expected “logline”, “treatment” and synopsis BEFORE submitting a screenplay. Today, I just read where you said I didn’t have to have a synopsis, but i see where it would be very helpful. I actually already had one, but it was two long, sentences, actually, 1 long, descriptive statement and a question – 91 words. Is that long enough to submit or should i do more? I do feel confident with it, but I don’t want to leave any stone unturned.
    Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks for the feedback, Gina! Sounds more like you have a logline than a synopsis?

  15. Bob C says:

    While “Whiplash” was a great example for its genre, I would also love to see a similar article for different genres and the STYLE we would use in writing the synopses. For example, Comedy (“Some Like it Hot” or “The Big Sick”), Horror (“Psycho” or “A Quiet Place), Sci-Fi (“Star Wars” or “The Martian”), etc.

  16. Sue says:

    HI Love your emails. Would you do this for a TV pilot or just for a screenplay? If you have covered this elsewhere my apologies and I would love a redirect. Thank you.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Yes, this mostly applies to both but check out this post on writing a pilot for more details on TV synopses.

  17. George Sepiribo says:

    I am presently in the writing stage of a film project now. And this Article really strengthens me, I am even more organized towards a successful movie premiere. Thank you SRP!!!!

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Sounds great, thanks for reaching out, George!

  18. Jim Palmer says:

    Do i have to write a synopsis for a movie or can I just get writing . I have so many ideas just flowing i need to get them down and work better in a script than in prose.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      No, you don’t. Many professional screenwriters don’t bother with synopses and get along just fine.

      1. DanRobJay says:

        An optional component of a screenplay, if I am to understand, yet if unprepared to generate such a document quickly for a project due to lack of knowledge of the form…that would suck. So learning about this is helpful as a structural teaching tool and also to keep up my chops on various forms of writing in media. Thanks.

  19. Anoush H says:

    Can I sell my movie synopsis?

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Not usually – you’ll need to write the whole script.

  20. Tyler Simmonds says:

    Whiplash — what a great movie and choice for this post. Thank you SRP!

  21. Papa S Fall says:

    Wow! You really get me into it. You put a clear vision into something that was a mystery for me. Thank you so much for the time and effort you took to write this and make it freely available to everyone. Sometimes some people pass sleepless nights and put hours in something just to share their knowledge with everyone and don’t wait much in return.
    This world will be even greater if we all just share between each other. We all connected at some point. so let’s use this technology to get even more connected for the sake of human kind.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks so much for the comment – You’re spot on!

  22. Akhil meher says:

    Thanks bro thats help me much thanks for everything

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks, Akhil – glad it helped!

  23. Patrick Adhaka says:

    Am grateful!

  24. Gus Ramos says:

    Thank you so much for the information”How to write a synopsis.”
    If I have a completed script, do I still need to write a synopsis?

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks, Gus. No you don’t have to write a synopsis if you don’t want to. Think of it more as a writing aid to help you beat out the story.

  25. Jon says:

    This was very interesting, Think I’m going to approach my next script in this way.

  26. moses hamangaba says:

    thank you very much for the information its been very helpful, could you please guide on writting a synopsis for a movie series are we suppose to use the same concept or a diffifrent one?

    1. Pelonomi says:

      Thanks,the information is very helpful.You gave the information I needed; the difference between a synopsis & a plot,hot to write a synopsis,etc.This will be helpful for me for the short film synopsis I have to submit along with the film.

  27. Raman Loki says:

    Thank you for sharing the Valuable Information…
    will you please provide us some information on writing synopsis for multiple plots screenplay
    example: Babel, 21 grams etc…
    it will be a great help.
    Thanks in advance

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks, Raman, it’s on the long list of future posts.

  28. William Whiteford says:

    It helps – thank so much!

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Glad to hear it – thanks, William!

  29. MK says:

    Thanks! Very helpful. Would you be willing to review a synopsis for me? Fee?

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks MK – you can find our Synopsis Coverage service here.

  30. DOUGLAS A RAINE says:

    This is a tremendous help! Very well explained and supported. Many thanks.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks, Douglas – glad it helped 🙂

    2. Lawrence Solomon says:

      This is of great help indeed. I stay in Nigeria. I have written a few scripts and sold some which have been made into films. But I still have a long way to go. So I am getting into a film school next week. Thank you for this really.

      1. Script Reader Pro says:

        Congrats, Lawrence – thanks for the feedback!

  31. Stephen says:

    Awesome! thank you for taking the time to put this together . I now have a much better idea how to write a synopsis and will use this as a template in my future submissions.

  32. J-Ryze says:

    A helpful, clear look at synopsis, thank you for taking the time to break it down with examples and exercises. 🙂

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Hey J-Ryze, thanks for reading! Glad it helped.

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