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5 Best Movie Scripts: Essential Screenplays for Writers

How to Use These Screenplay Examples

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by Script Reader Pro in Best Screenplays to Read
November 11, 2015 187 comments
movie scripts

5 of the best movie scripts to learn from in each major genre.

Professional film scripts are one of the best tools screenwriters have at their disposal. There is nothing else that gives you the practical experience of how it all comes together than reading a produced screenplay. But what are the best movie scripts to read, and why?

In this post, we break down five of the best screenplays to read in each major genre—drama, comedy, action/adventure, thriller and horror. And why you need to read them.

It’s by not only reading scripts, but really breaking them down, getting inside them and figuring out why they work, that you’ll get the most out of them as a screenwriter.

Let’s dive on in and take a look at the top movie scripts in each genre you should read.

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One of the best drama film scripts you should read: American Beauty.

Alan Ball graduated from Florida State University with a degree in theater arts. He went on to write for the theater and then television, penning Grace Under Fire and Cybil.

Although there are elements of comedy in American Beauty, for which he won the Oscar for best screenplay in 2000, it is overall a drama. And, in our opinion, a modern masterpiece of screenwriting.

The script opens with Jane staring into the camera—a handheld device operated by an unseen man—nonchalantly discussing killing her father.

We then cut to said father—a supposed loser named Lester Burnham—and follow him as he begins another miserable day at the office. All the while we hear his voiceover from beyond the grave…

In fact, the opening twenty-five pages are a masterclass in how to establish character, stakes and genre as the script pulls you into a web of lies set in a suburban hell.

There are some truly terrific examples of how to write a scene in this script. One of our favorites is the “cute meet” between Lester and his daughter Jane’s best friend, Angela.

Check out Lester’s “cute meet” with Angela.

Scan - American Beuty Screenplay

Ball has a terrific visual style which you’ll pick up and imbibe into your own writing while reading and studying this script.

There are no major formatting quirks in Ball’s writing. But the first thing you may notice when you start reading is that he likes to underline his sluglines.

Like we always say, there are no “rules” when it comes to movie script format. However, there are differences between spec scripts’ style and a pro scripts’ style.

Overall, it’s best to keep things simple. This means not underlining sluglines in your spec script, as Ball does here. He can do it because he’s Alan Ball. You’re not. And so why give a potentially grumpy script reader at a company even the slightest reason to reject your spec?


Script coverage service

One of the best comedy scripts you should read: Youth In Revolt.

We could’ve picked any number of comedy script classics for this section—Groundhog Day, Annie Hall, Some Like It Hot, etc.—but we thought we’d go with a little underrated comedy gem by the name of Youth In Revolt.

Gustin Nash’s writing in this screenplay is funny as hell. He broke onto the scene after writing nine spec screenplays with a comedy he wrote in four weeks called Charlie Bartlett.

Then, after reading C.D. Payne’s novel, Youth In Revolt, Nash decided to adapt it into a screenplay. He said modestly at the time, “Here was a chance to take credit for writing something that was much better than what I’d come up with on my own.”

But his take on Youth In Revolt is a blast and the movie is every bit as good as the book. If you write comedy movie scripts, you’ve probably already been told to include more jokes and, generally, pack in as much humor in every line as possible.

Nash’s script is a perfect of example of how to do just that.

Note the level of comedy in the script.

Scan - Youth In Revolt screenplay

From the opening page, Nash has us laughing. Look at how he introduces a protagonist in Nick Twisp who’s readily identifiable from his dialogue and actions. And funny.

From there on in, the script is a riot of teenage angst and sexual yearning, with a nice side-helping of surrealism thrown in for good measure.

Reading comedy movie scripts like this will also teach how to keep a consistent tone throughout. In this case, it’s funny and absurd, yet with an emotional heart and great characters.

One of the best action movie screenplays you should read: Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Lawrence Kasdan was commissioned by George Lucas to write Raiders of the Lost Ark. How it all came together was very much a group effort, though, between Kasdan, Lucas and Spielberg.

All three worked on fleshing out the script during a series of now infamous story meetings in January 1978. The result of which was one of the best action/adventure movie scripts ever written.

Action/adventure scripts are notorious for having great concepts but thin characters. This screenplay, however, is a great example of how to elevate a protagonist’s personality above a paper thin cut-out.

Making Indy a compelling hero, was the first thing Lucas concentrated on in those early story meetings. And by reading the script you get a great sense of how this was achieved.

For example, see how the writers do this by giving Indy a personal motivation to his quest in the shape of Marion.

The Raiders of the Lost Ark screenplay is also a fantastic tool for learning how to create all those twists and turns required in any action/adventure movie script.

Kasdan achieves this by utilizing a script structure composed of seven specific sequences. Each one takes Indy alternately closer and further away from his goal—the Ark of the Covenant.

(You can read more about how Kasdan achieves this in the Raiders of the Lost Ark breakdown in our screenwriting book Master Screenplay Sequences.)

Reading the script will also give you the opportunity to check out one of the best exposition scenes in history: Indy’s scene with the army intelligence guys…

How to handle a ton of exposition.

Scan - Raiders of the Lost Ark screenplay
Download the script and study this scene. It will tell you all you need to know about hiding on-the-nose dialogue. Overall, this is one of the most essential movie scripts to study for action/adventure writers.

Scan - Fargo screenplay

One of the best thriller scripts you should read: Fargo.

The other Best Screenplay Oscar winner on our list is the Coens’ crime thriller masterpiece, Fargo. In 2006, the film was preserved by the Library of Congress as “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” You won’t go far wrong by studying movie scripts of this caliber.

Much of the Coens’ work is described as “genre-bending” and the film script for Fargo is no exception, mixing elements of thriller and comedy to wonderful effect.

From Jerry’s magnificent bumbling to Marge’s ho-hum police procedural work, to Carl and Gaear’s squabbling, the characterizations all make superb use of humor to elevate the screenplay above the average thriller.

Another factor that helps with this is the screenplay theme. It shines through just as well in the screenplay as in the movie. And like in all the Coens’ scripts, the writing is terse but incredibly evocative.

Check this description of Gaear’s execution of some innocent passers-by to see how to convey so much with so few words.

Write less, not more.

best film scripts

Like Alan Ball, the Coens like to mess around with sluglines. In this case, by almost dispensing with them entirely.

Again, we recommend you stick to the convention of including properly formatted sluglines. But, other than that, soak up as much as you can from two masters of modern cinema.

One of the best horror movie scripts you should read: The Conjuring.

The Conjuring, written by Chad and Carey Hayes, was something of a sleeper hit when it was released in 2013. This specific horror screenplay is great because of the way the Hayes brothers make us feel the tension, mood, dread and the pacing throughout.

By the end, we’re gripping the edge of our seats and don’t even realize it. This is something that’s particularly hard to do with today’s seen-it-all-before horror audiences.

The Conjuring also makes use of some interesting formatting, using ALL CAPS, bold and underlining in ways that are so subtle, and yet so manipulative. It’s like a visceral punch in the gut.

You feel the visuals in this screenplay. You feel the air move as hands come out from the darkness and clamp around your throat. You feel the dread in your chest with whatever’s standing behind the door telling the young girl it’s going to kill her family.

This is one of the best horror movie scripts around when it comes to delivering a screenplay a director can cinematically see. And how to leverage suspense with your script writing style. It’s all there on the page.

How to leverage suspense.

Scan - The Conjuring screenplay

The best thing about movie screenplays like this is that they put obstacle after obstacle in the protagonist’s path. This is especially important just when they feel they finally have the upper hand.

It also plays on the deepest fears of each character. And the writing style pulls our eyes along at such a frantic pace that you can’t look away.

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Reading movie scripts is just the beginning…

Once you’ve read our selection of the best movies scripts, you should then go watch the movies. Then, the most important thing to do is to actually study the movie screenplays.

Take a detective at a crime scene… He doesn’t just take a cursory look around, make a few notes and go back to the station. No, they dig in deep, analyze the scene with a fine tooth comb and go over every possible angle.

This is what you should be doing with movie scripts.

Yes, there are many screenwriting books out there on the craft which can add layers of knowledge onto your mastery of screenwriting. But the best movie scripts themselves have everything right there on the page.

Taking a screenplay, studying it, breaking it down, seeing how you add tension in a way that is real and smart, is such a powerful learning experience.

The best movie scripts flow with such fierce speed that you can’t flip the page soon enough to see what happens next. This is what your screenplays should do too.

So read all of these film scripts, reverse engineer them, break them down, and then use what you learned and apply it in your own writing.


How many movie scripts do you read a week? Is it part of your writing routine, or is it something you keep meaning to do? What have you learned from reading movie screenplays? Let us know in the comments below!

screenplay mentorship

Liked this post? Here are more movie scripts to read…

50 of the Best Screenplays to Read and Download in Every Genre

50 of the Best TV Scripts to Download and Study to Improve Your Writing

20 Best Comedy Scripts to Read and Download For Free

[© Photo credits: Unsplash]

  1. Malaika says:

    can you give me acting lines


    Just enrolled for for your class. Still reading all your notes. Takes a while for me to take off. Very inspiring and motivating contents!

  3. Max says:

    You guys are always so fantastic! I devour your every word! I love action movies, so I downloaded “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and am reading it now. Which is why I have to ask: why is it we’re told to avoid gerunds, adjectives and adverbs and yet, they’re all over the place in the script? I mean, I love the writing and the read, but… aren’t we supposed to write without the aforementioned “villains”? I know, I/we aren’t Lawrence Kasdan, but it makes it really difficult to learn from the great scripts if we’re supposed to do as “they” say and not what “they” do. Thanks for your help!

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks a lot, Max! Not sure where you heard you’re never supposed to use adverbs, adjectives or gerunds?

  4. Okeke godson says:

    Any one to guild me on a High school romantic movie script am writing now..

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Hi, Okeke – we have a variety of script coverage services that can help you out here.

      1. Emeka Amadi says:

        I have movie script to sell is all about *drugs enforcement against trafficking,
        *The journey I embark on february
        *My wife jobs
        *The virus etc

        I can also partner if any scholarship agree for with me.

  5. Michael Britton says:

    can this help me write a commercial script?

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Reading as many scripts as you can will help you improve all aspects of your writing.

  6. Brian Lawrence Clark says:

    Can you recommend any ‘Coming-of-age’ scripts?
    Thank you,

  7. Victor Ratner says:

    Can anyone recommend a good Romance screenplay?

  8. Peter Thuo says:

    Very resourceful.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Glad it helped, Peter!

  9. Thembalethu says:

    Hi SRP, I am from South Africa and I would like to thank you for your the
    advice. It has been very helpful, however I would like to know if all the advice you have given me will work for me as a South African writer. Thank you

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks for reaching out, Thembalethu, that’s great to know.

  10. William Whiteford says:

    A great post indeed – THANKS.
    By the way, Professor L. HUNTER recommends five following older great movies:
    Citizen Cane, Casablanca, Butch Cassidy, Fallen Angel (a TV film), and E.T.
    Could you possibly recommend some movies about big sea disaster? “TITANIC”
    and “THE LAST MISSION” (USS Indianapolis) – already ticked off.
    If so, thank you in advance.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Here are a few ideas: A Night to Remember, The Poseidon Adventure, Djúpið (The Deep), In the Heart of the Sea.

  11. munyinda says:

    i don’t have an form experience in movie writting, but with interest and passion. can i still a writer?

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Every pro writer was a beginner at some point.

  12. Amrita Ray says:

    What is the best script for urban romantic story

  13. Iscandri A. Sankoh says:

    hay guys i enjoyed reading this scripts…. thanks for the site

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks, Iscandri! Hope you got a lot out of them.

  14. Fran says:


    Do you have a list of the best murder-mystery screenplays to read?


  15. Raphael says:

    I need a degree for screenplay, please someone should help me.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Here’s a list of the best screenwriting courses worldwide.

  16. Daniel Fulthorp says:

    You are part of my storey

  17. Sweety Akter says:

    I found a great movie script on CodeCanyon.Really amazing cause all of the features available on this script including one-click movie import and; scrapper.

  18. Ingrid says:


    I am in the middle of writing a script with the feel of Something about Mary and The Birdcage. Do you have links to either of these scripts? I would love to read them! Thanks for your posts and access to read other scripts! Thank you so much!

  19. Laura says:

    Do you have any recommendations for high concept screenplays that can be shot on low budget?

  20. Jesse says:

    The Conjuring???

  21. Katrina says:

    Thanks for sharing these scripts…

  22. Che Bernard says:

    Waoo I love this thanks for the education,I want to be a script writer this has given me an inside of script writing

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks for reaching out, Che!

  23. Warrender says:

    One day my script will be on this page! True story about me my life and growing up. To have lived these marvellous past experiences I feel exceptionally blessed. Hopefully you will be able to get a feeling of what this feels like after reading this story.

  24. Rod Mac says:

    What are some great scripts or treatments for television shows. I have an idea for a show but need some research read on how I should write one?

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      We have a post on Treatments here you may find useful. Also, John August has a good library of treatments and outlines which you can find here.

  25. Lapman says:

    Downloaded and saved. Thank you Script Reader.

  26. Roxanne B says:

    I can’t open the link to American Beuty.

  27. Newton says:

    I need to speak to one of your team. Can I call you about my script.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Yes, we have a Skype Call service which you can purchase here.

  28. Bridget says:

    I did not like Youth In Revolt at all. No idea why its on this list.

  29. Bettina says:

    Wonderful — I have some reading to do! Thanks guys.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Bettina!

  30. Vernon says:

    Very cool. Thanks man.

  31. Jerri says:

    DO you have the screenplay of The Artist?

  32. Jason says:

    Amazing movies, have got some to sell.

  33. Morayo says:

    This news you shared has been of great help to me. Amazing screenplays to digest.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      You’re welcome, Morayo!

  34. Sudhir says:

    My script it is better than this than anything you have read. Trust me. I can send to u?

  35. Major Arner says:

    Love these movies. Will read them all thanks.

  36. Marszalek says:

    I’m listening to the American Beauty soundtrack while reading teh script and drinking a glass of red. Really enjoying it, hats off to Scriptwriter Pro!

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks to you too, Marszalek!

  37. Donny says:

    Very good job and nice screenplays to read.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks, Donny!

  38. Demetrius says:

    How do I become a writer? I have a script to sell?

  39. Absolute Boy says:

    My favourite is Fargo. The others… meh…

  40. Rivka says:

    Someone here should upload The King Speech script.

  41. Peggy says:

    Best children’s movie script?

  42. Hombre says:

    I¡¦m not positive about these movie scripts but thank you.

  43. Leroy says:

    Thank you!!!

  44. Mark Melzack says:

    Great advice. What would you say is the best example to read for Survial genre please. Are you aware of any resources that can help me compare structure and pacing of my own script to these examples?

  45. Bashir says:

    I can’t read these on my Samsung phone. How do I get them to open on a Samsung phone plz?

  46. Pinkie says:

    Haha Youth in Revolt script made me LOL>

  47. Michale says:

    Great underestimated movie script here. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks Michale!

  48. Justin says:

    Meanwhile smarter writers like me are just getting on writing instead of sitting around reading. Over n out.

  49. Peter says:

    What size of paper is fit for script writing

  50. Jamie says:

    Hello. I see that you don’t include any of the best movie scripts of all time. Why not?

  51. Levia says:

    This is such great practical advise. Thanks Script Reader pro.

  52. Ronnie Shantz/Robinson says:

    The thing about screenplays is everyone believe they can simply pick up a pen and write a great screenplay. Or even a poor one that works. They believe if they have an idea, that’s all it takes without studying the craft in any way, shape or form. Very, very complex, multi faceted and difficult critters to write affectively, screenplays.

  53. Ronnie Robinson says:

    The thing about screenwriting is everyone believes they can just pick up a pen and write a great one without studying the craft. Or even a poor one that works. Some say there’re no rules to writing a screenplay, however, one must know the rules in order to break them properly. Very, very complex, multi faceted and difficult critters to write, screenplays.

  54. Obey Mauzinyu says:

    don’t worry,firstly you must draft your points ,summarize the script then start.It’s easy

  55. Eduardo says:

    You actually make it seem really easy to become a screenwriter. Just read some scripts and your selling them next minute, living in Hollywood and partying with A listers. Wake up man!

  56. Tianon says:

    Please where can i find anime movie scripts?

  57. Joshua says:

    Heading into my 14th screenplay and still reading scripts. Thanks for these Script.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      No problem, Joshua. Thanks.

  58. Greg says:

    I love the way you guys always talk about reading scripts. Its so true – you need to read more if you want to write better.

  59. Pingback: Neffy
  60. Pingback: Walter
  61. Ini says:

    All good scripts.

  62. Pingback: Chasu
  63. Kathy says:

    Thanks Script Reader, you’ve made my day. Will download all these and get reading!

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      You’re welcome, Kathy!

  64. Alex Ampomah says:

    Contact me on now 0209392478 @ SADICK i want you to write a script for me asap.

  65. Reyansh says:

    Great movie scripts from you. Greetings from India.

  66. Lawrence says:

    Wе are a group of writers starting a new group in Nebraska. You can search for us on and join in. Thanks.

  67. Jade says:

    Thanks for sharing these. Nice movie scripts for me to learn from!

  68. Bamber88 says:

    Is there a way to find the script to Shawn of the Dead for me?

  69. Sadick Appiah Adams says:

    Good Script.
    I am having a good Script but don’t have good manager to manage it.
    I am Script writer for Ghanaian directors and other foreign countries directors.
    Thanks for this information

  70. Bessong Gladys Agbor says:

    i have a movie in my head but i don’t know how to start writing it.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Have you seen our post on writing concepts/loglines?

  71. Bessong Gladys Agbor says:

    i have a movie in my head but i don’t know how to start writing it.

  72. Becky says:

    “In America” (Jim Sheridan) is one of my favorite films. I have tried to find the screenplay but without success.

    Any suggestions? Thank you for the list and your site.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Thanks Becky – sorry can’t find In America.

  73. Joel Abraham says:

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful script with us

  74. Gandianarta says:

    I like this article something very inspiring thanks.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Glad you found it helpful.

  75. Cal Parsons says:

    I had forgotten how good youth in revolt was.

  76. Mahey says:

    I had Read Youth in Revolt script..I rolled out loudly when i read the script, but when i watched the film most of the scenes are cut out(obviously the best ones)and few of chracters are tweaked, and end it was not acheived half of the laughter it provoked in script..Can i know whats is the peculiar reason for script modification??

  77. Nat Willis says:

    Thanks you scripts writer pro!!

  78. Raymond Nef says:

    5 phenomenal elements from ‘Disney on the topic of its polar environment remembers 100 numerous Magic’

    inside party 100 a great deal of disney pleasure, over 50 that is fun-filled cartoon figures generally wearing snow skates as well as,while going through in “disney to do with its polar environment celebrates 100 time spent sorcery” every water wells Fargo station around Philadelphia within jan. 3.

  79. Paul Maguire says:

    I want to know why you chose these five movies and not much better ones. Boyhood, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Moonlight, Tangerine, I Daniel Blake, The Tree of Life, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close… The list is ENDLESS and you choose old crap like American Bueaty.

  80. Indra Ishmael says:

    My story i want to sell now, but can you help me?

  81. Brian P says:

    K, nice post.

  82. Ray Ford says:

    These scripts rock, thanks for sharing script writer :->

  83. Joel Gunderssen says:

    We know reading scripts are really good to help your writing but we don’t do enough of it. Nice kick up the butt this post.

  84. Ralph Richards says:

    Nice post but no films by women of color??

  85. Dead Wood says:

    Nice job. I’m so glad i found you guyz.

  86. Lex Luther says:

    I will start reading now.. Let’s see how it helps my writing…

  87. Polly Barnes says:

    Were can I find the script to Inception?

    1. David J says:

      Inception screenplay can be found here:

      1. Script Reader Pro says:

        Thanks David!

  88. Toby Reynolds says:

    We’re missing something here..

  89. daniyel says:

    l have a many storys tollking the real live and the fantasy world but screen plAys or script are reAly hard so pleas l need some advise to write my screenplay

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      You can check out our services here:

  90. Brian says:

    My story is based on real life about a kidnapping in 1993. Lot’s of excitement, strong characters and moving story. Looking for buyers.

  91. Riley Veitenheimer says:

    Great scripts, thanks for the share.

  92. Omar Melik says:

    I think your scripts you chosen are very interesting. Thank you.

  93. Troy Berkow says:

    Youth In Revolt LOL.

    1. Mahey says:

      Real movie misses most of the scenes and essence in script

  94. Neva A says:

    Thanks for excellent screenplays, I was looking for this ..

  95. Montel says:

    Excellent thank to you for sharing these screenplays.

  96. Tony X says:

    I love all these movies. Good job.

  97. Peter says:

    Thanks for this guys. I love Youth In Revolt, great choice.

  98. Jasper says:

    I’m going to read all of these – thanks for posting.

  99. Bettina says:

    Does anyone know where I can get the Easy A screenplay?

  100. Guy says:

    American Beauty, what a film! Is it just me or were movies better back in the 1990s?

  101. Sara says:

    I’m looking to get a fifth draft of my script ready to send to you guys soon. Thanks for the info!

  102. Julian says:

    I’ve not seen Youth in revolt, looks interesting. Thanks for the heads up .

  103. Sal says:

    Excellent post. I am going to read all these.

  104. Maddie says:

    I really need to read more scripts. This has given me the kick up the ass I needed. Thx!

  105. Stu says:

    Not been writing much recently but am looking to get back into it. This site is really inspiring, thanks to you all.

  106. Park says:

    Awesome guys.

  107. Ned says:

    Love this post guys. I’m looking for the screenplay to This Is 40 if anyone knows where I can get it.

  108. Jim says:

    Reading Raiders right now. The beginning’s soo different from the movie.

  109. Charlotte says:

    Greetings from Erbach, Germany. I wish to come one day to Los Angeles and learn how to write scripts properly.

  110. Anita says:

    Awesome scripts. Very much enjoyed reading.:)

  111. Graham says:

    I just rewatched The Third Man.. what a movie.. Know it’s not on the list but does anyone know where I can get the screenplay?

    1. Clint says:

      Graham, reading scripts for classic movies can tell you a lot about how to tell a great story, but the formatting is vastly different from the way it’s done in modern scripts. If you ever see this post and you’re still interested in the script, send me an e-mail at texvanwinkle(at)gmail(dot)com.


  112. Thomas says:

    Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂

  113. Kirby says:

    Where’s THE BIG LEBOWSKI dudes?!?!?! THE GREATEST screenplay of ALL TIME!!!

  114. Shoshana says:

    American Beuaty is sooooo boring. I fell asleep when my friend tried to show it to me. 🙂

  115. Tim says:

    Very well put together post and scripts, my hat goes off to you all.

  116. Cleaver says:

    Thinking about getting into writing again… It was too hard before but reading things like this motivates me again. Thanks.

  117. Robert Moore says:

    Hey there, I haven’t seen Youth In Revolt but will do.

  118. Sal Barbier says:

    Great examples.

  119. Thomas Sanderson says:

    Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂

  120. Sarah Carlson says:

    I discovered your 5 Of The Best Movie Scripts To Learn From In Each Genre page and noticed wish you could’ve done more. Great work.

  121. Laura Hudson says:

    I feel like re-watching American Beauty now *sigh*

  122. Tommy Guerro says:

    Raiders > Romancing The Stone

  123. Diggy says:

    Thx 🙂

  124. Dianna says:

    Thanks I really learned a lot about genre from this.

  125. Sheila E says:

    Great post! 🙂

  126. Drew says:

    Uѕually I do not read article on screenwriting, however I wish to say that this write-up very impressed me. Keep up the good work.

  127. 94Chr says:

    Hi there, this is quality stuff. Keep it coming!

  128. Paul Rose Jr says:

    I would recommend Scott Derricksen & C Robert Cargill’s “Deliver Us From Evil”

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Good suggestion, Paul.

  129. David Frazier says:

    Top horror scripts to read besides the conjuring. Thank you very much, that is my genre of choice.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      You’re welcome, David.

  130. Tucker says:

    Hi I love Michael Cera but not seen this one. Thanks for the heads up.

  131. Paul says:

    Superbad is beter than crappy Youth in Revolt.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      Each to their own!

  132. Pranay patel says:

    Sir in hindi langauge style

  133. Leonard says:

    American Beauty is my favorite film of all time.

  134. Toby Hart says:

    Forget the overrated Big Lebowski, this is THE BEST FRIGGING COEN BROTHERS MOVIE EVER.

  135. Shaggy Bear says:

    Fargo is so overrated. As is American Beauty.

    1. mahey says:

      When i read fargo.i found very difficult to read coen terese writing..but american beauty was phenominal and for me one of the best

  136. Nik says:

    `Top script how bout GONE WITH THE WIND”!!!!

  137. Rod says:

    Some great movies thanks! How about animated films? Are the scripts any different?

  138. Scott Smith says:

    Thank you very much for the suggestions. I just watched 10 cloverfield. I’ve had trouble finding it either in it’s current form or when it was “The Cellar”. I love the Matrix but never thought of reading it for some reason and Children of men, very good call.

    I found your resources outstanding. What a collection of scripts. Thank you again for taking the time to respond to my post. I have just recently found your website and it has really elevated my writing. I’m working on a very high concept idea with a director for a team of sci-fi producers and your site has helped immeasurably. Really, thank you for this gem of a site. I’m drawn to selfless resources and this site is bookmarked for me.


    1. SRP says:

      You’re welcome Scott. Feel free to drop us a line if you have any screenwriting questions and best of luck with the script.

      1. daniyel says:

        can you help me l realy need your help any one his help to write my screenplay and sell iy

  139. Scott Smith says:

    Hi there, what would you say are the 3 top scifi scripts I should read?

    Thank you for this wonderful website.

    1. SRP says:

      Hi Scott, thanks for your kind words.

      There are so many to choose from and I guess it depends what kind of sci-fi you’re aiming to write, but I would say (in no particular order):

      10 Cloverfield Lane
      The Matrix
      Children Of Men

      You can find some great screenplay resources here:

  140. Richard says:

    Thanks for sharing these brilliant screenplays with us. I’m an action writer and Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of my all time favourites.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      You’re welcome Richard!

  141. Mabel Charles says:

    Thanks. Those scripts has given me a great insight.

    1. Script Reader Pro says:

      You’re welcome Mabel.

  142. Gussie Parker says:

    Hello can you help me with my screenplay?

    1. SRP says:

      Hi Gussie, feel free to drop me a line with your questions to info [at]

  143. Dianna Sandora says:

    What would you say is the best script to read for Fantasy. (Tolkien and CS Lewis type)

    1. Julian Boyance says:

      I constantly recommended Silence of the Lambs as a go to great script to read.

      1. Script Reader Pro says:

        Good call, Julian.

      2. jared says:

        i acn’t reed

        1. Tatapongkelly says:

          Thanks a lot, it will really help me to improve my writing skill.

          1. Script Reader Pro says:

            Thanks, Kelly, glad it helped!

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